What Did You Learn Today - 2020 version

(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #3

??? Please elaborate whatever this came from.

(Choup') #4

It’s was just a joke with the wrong audience. :stuck_out_tongue:
I often joke with my SO that we should kidnap a kid / a pet / anything that looks cute, and we just laugh at it (it originally was a joke from a movie). Today I was at an event with a lot of really adorable kids and before I left I joked about which one I should take home. Two of the women laughed, the third one looked at me like I was an actual abomination. For the record, none of the kids heard me and no one was harmed in the process of making the joke. I’m innocent, I swear!

(Heather Meyer) #5

I learned that husband’s can be real jerks and that somtimes its straight up better to be single or casually dating. Now i know why some people have commitment issues… its the baggage of the other person you are stuck being commited to.

(Polly) #6

Sometimes we can all be jerks, I know I can.

However, sometimes we need to draw that line in the sand and decide on the direction we go in next whether it is to move on from a relationship with all the stressful sharing of parental responsibilities or to try to heal the differences and reach a way forward that works for everyone concerned.

I hope you have not passed the point of no return and that you and your husband are able to resolve the issues between you at the moment.

(Heather Meyer) #7

I honestly dont know at this point. Its hard to settle in my mind and heart what is best, when i am feeling so angry at him. I dont want to make a decision out of anger…but clearly the spot i am in right now looks pretty hopeless.


I learnt that when husband/wife couples go to health coaches inevitably the male spouse loses the weight rapidly, whereas the female spouse loses weight at a slower rate.

Digging in to that. I was listening to a Dr. Agaston interview and a LowCarbMD podcast episode that shed some light on what is going on.

The male rapidly loses accumulated abdominal and visceral body fat resulting in rapid improvement of metabolic function and scale weight loss. The female, can often be more metabolically healthy due to different body fat distribution (possibly more subcutaneous fat, or areas of fat tissue not the same as the male (see Taubes). Often she has less visceral fat accumulation and loses that small amount, if there, but does not get the weight scale loss.

These sex differences explain, in part, the differences in response to the Keto WOE within a husband/wife couple.

I didn’t really, clearly understand until presented this version of the information that visceral fat and abdominal organ fat is metabolised in preference to other traditional fat deposits.

(Bunny) #9

Learning about how prevalent vitamin B-12 deficiencies truly is after reading this (below) I can see how people thrive on the carnivore diet, when I added resistant starch to the carnivore diet I had way better results with 0 side effects, it is truly miraculous in my opinion (I just hope it is not to good to be true? I still worry about the highly acidic environment?):


Since apart from fortified and animal-based foods the number and vitality of certain strains of B12 manufacturing probiotic bacteria in our intestines is the key source of this vitamin, the following factors can lead to B12 deficiency by damaging intestinal flora balance: Antibiotics (also found in meat, dairy farmed fish, and tap water), laxatives, chlorine (Sucralose, Splenda, tap water, swimming pools, etc.), sodium fluoride (toothpastes, tap water, etc.), caffeine (coffee, tea, cola drinks, green tea), refined sugar, alcoholic beverages, unhealthy eating habits (lack of dietary fibre), stress, anxiety, depression, etc.

Also celiac disease, IBS, Crohn’s disease, stomach surgery, autoimmune disorders, diabetes and some other conditions may contribute to the deficiency.

The following drugs reduce absorption of vitamin B12: Metformin (a medication for individuals with type 2 diabetes), nitrous oxide (commonly used anaesthetic), chloramphenicol and neomycin (antibiotics), colchicine (medicine for gout treatment), Proton-pump inhibitors (e.g., omeprazole and lansoprazole), Proton-pump inhibitors, Histamine2 (H2)-receptor antagonists (e.g., cimetidine, famotidine, and ranitidine), cholestyramine (used in the treatment of high cholesterol).

Individuals taking above mentioned drugs and medications that inhibit gastric acid secretion should consider taking sublingual methylcobalamin form of vitamin B12. …More

Oxalate dumping symptoms investigation on a carnivore dietary trial
(KCKO, KCFO) #10


(Rebecca 🌸 Frankenfluffy) #11

I’ve learned by at last following through on my intention to ditch my festive nightly cheese course and wine overconsumption (habits which were both initiated pre-Christmas, cultivated merrily and enthusiastically during Christmas, and not jettisoned immediately after Christmas) that it IS actually possible to lose 3 pounds in 5 days.

And on a non-diet-specific but life-in-general note, practice and hard work really can make a massive difference to one’s enjoyment of life and work. I’ve been reminded of that today, too.

(Rebecca 🌸 Frankenfluffy) #12

Today I have learned to take the number on my bathroom scales with a pinch of salt!

I have recently altered my happy weight window to a range of 10st 12lb (152 pounds) to 11st 2lb (156 pounds) - and I was alarmed yesterday that I was suddenly way over that for no discernible reason.

Wednesday - 11st 1lb 8oz (155 and a half pounds) - happy
Thursday - 11st 5lb 4oz (over 159 pounds!) - not happy
Friday - 11st 0lb 6oz (around 154 and a half pounds) - happy

Those extra 4lb were, shall we say, a bit of a surprise - but their almost immediate loss was even more so!

I’m only weighing myself daily at the moment because I’ve been trimming back some of the festive padding - normally I don’t weigh as often as this! So maybe this variation happens all the time and I’ve never caught it in the act before…!!!


(KCKO, KCFO) #13

I get it. Yeah, I bounce a lot, that is why I set a range for myself and a scream weight, if I get there I start fasting till I come off the bounce up and maybe a tad bit more.

I do weigh daily, but I also realize that just taking a pee before weighing can make up to a lb. difference in what the scale has to say. I track, but I don’t let it stress me out. In over 2.5 yrs. I have not gone over my original goal weight but twice and that was still within a lb. of it.

(Rebecca 🌸 Frankenfluffy) #14

That’s great to hear!

Although I’m happy with my weight (my 154 pounds are spread over a very broad 6ft+ frame) I do get unreasonably obsessive about changes in numbers (mostly numbers around blood glucose, insulin dosing as well, not just the weight).

I too like to target a range rather than a number because that takes the pressure off!

I’m still baffled about that gained-overnight, lost-overnight four pounds! #Iblamethescales :rofl:

(Stephanie ) #15

Ive learned that even though married and have 3 almost grown children, when im sick i will still have to take care of myself :sleepy: this past week ive come down with the flu and have felt like death. Despite someone getting me something to drink every now and then i took care of myself and still did the dishes and the laundry as no one did for days. Fever finally broke so back to work today.
Just makes me sad that i take care of everyone and always put everyone before myself and the one time in 15yrs that im literally barely able to move i had to take care of myself.

(Rebecca 🌸 Frankenfluffy) #16

Oh no @Tetter3plr - sorry to hear this. Glad you’re feeling a bit better now - but that sounds like a tough week. :face_with_thermometer:

(Stephanie ) #17

Thank you! Yea its been a horrible week to say the least. After today ill have a 3 day weekend so hopefully by Tuesday ill be back to normal

(Bob M) #18

Dudette, you have to change that. While my wife typically does the majority of the laundry, I could step into that (with help from the kids to find where things go) with no issues. I’m also good at cooking, cleaning, etc. We often split roles, as I’m the engineer and she’s the English major, so I often work on house projects (lighting, painting, etc.). But I lived on my own for a long time, so I can do pretty much anything. She had taken primary responsibility for the kids, but I could certainly step into that role for a while.

We’ve been forcing our kids to empty the dishwasher, fold clothes, etc. I’ll soon have them cooking. They really need to know these skills when they leave.

(Stephanie ) #19

All my kiddos know how to take care of themselves, as i was a single mom since they were babies and i always wanted to ensure that god forbid something happen to me they knew how to cook, do laundry, you know survival skills so to speak.

I guess i was hoping that the family would have “stepped in” and took care of me and the household while i was down. But for whatever reason no one helped nor really seemed to care.
Looks like im gonna have to go on “strike” till everyone helps out.

(KCKO, KCFO) #20

Sorry to hear no one stepped up. Hope you are now firmly on the road to recovery.

(KCKO, KCFO) #21

Interesting information about oils, especially soybean oil. I use some soy but not the oil, that is why I make all my own dressings now. I liked the graphic.

(KCKO, KCFO) #22

This is an interesting documentary from PBS.