Thanks, it’s so pretty! Sounds complicated and potentially tasty (it depends on the ingredients and the taste of the one in question, after all). I never make anything like this I go for taste and low-carbness But I gladly look at such beauties. And if I can do it without much effort, I try to make them pretty, yes. Lots of whipped egg white on top can be pretty enough, it’s a lovely fluff and not so much work. I am used to whipping egg whites many times a week due to my staple, my eggy sponge cake.
Baked goods and desserts are typically WAY too carby, very unnecessarily. The only type I can’t avoid much carbs is breads. The proper ones as I can make perfect sandwiches on carnivore too. But the bread texture requires starches as far as I could figure it out and I put much effort into it.
But cakes? We can use way tastier things as flour. Like walnut, my personal fav, of course it doesn’t always can be ALL walnut (I have a 1 minute cake that only has that as flour, it’s my best but it’s soft. it’s easy to make soft keto desserts, crunchy is the tricky one. and I have one with only poppy seed as flour, that would work with walnut too but I don’t like that, it’s my SO’s breakfast cake that makes him satiated for 8+ hours while doing physical work! his body works so differently from me… it’s lowish-carb and nutritious but still… I never could eat just cake as a main meal and I can’t get satiated for several hours with a not OMAD sized first meal anyway. it’s NOT pretty, by the way. just a dry dark gray brick. a soft, airy one though but it’s functional, I made it hundreds of times).
Poppy seed CAN used for beauty, mixed into whipped egg white. Or on top of bread but I use other seeds.