Ugh...have the Flu in the house for the first time in 12+ years

(Bob M) #21

Holy crap, that Sambucol is sweet! If you take it, prepare a glass of something (I used turkey stock I made a few weeks ago and froze, then defrosted yesterday) to chase it with.

(Rebecca ) #22

Natures Way Brand makes a sugar free Sambucus syrup.

(Bob M) #23

I did not know that. I’ll have to see if I can find it locally.

(Carrie ) #24

I was just about to say the same thing! You can get sugar feee elderberry or you can make it yourself. There are tons of recipes online. I think elderberry is amazing for preventing the flu. I’ve seen it prevent the flu when everyone around us was coming down with it!

(Carrie ) #25

Walgreens carries a sugar free brand

(Bob M) #26

Thanks, I’ll check out Walgreens. I went to CVS last night.

(Bob M) #27

Update. I went to Walgreens, but the stuff there had even more carbs, though oddly no added sugars. Could it be more concentrated?

I ended up ordering low carb drops from Amazon:

I have still been taking the normal Sambucol. I had ketones of 0.3 mmol/l after my workout (taken 8:09 am), and 0.7 mmol/l just now (1:30 pm). The 0.7 is likely because I ate super high saturated fat around 10 am, my first meal, and that has been causing me to have higher ketones for reasons unknown. I’ve been using the butter + stearic acid from The Fire in a Bottle website, about 50/50 with cocoa butter. Two chunks of that, some lean red steak, olives, blue cheese, high fat (low PUFA) blue cheese dressing. Turkey stock. Still super full now.

My daughter seems OK. The flu has not (knocking on my fake-wood desk) migrated to anyone else yet. We’ve implemented defcon III and everyone is on sambucol (darn it! forgot to bring in ginger again), we’re using plastic cups in the bathroom, paper towels in the bathroom, we’ve wiped down all surfaces, etc.

(Bob M) #28

So, taking this product causes me incredible hunger. Even the concentrated drops cause this. I’ve been taking high saturated fat (stearic acid) fats, which cause me such a lack of hunger that it’s been revelatory. As soon as I take the black elderberry, though, I start getting hungry.

Anyway, our second daughter may or may not be getting sick. Neither one of them had a fever last night, but the oldest is still out of school and the youngest went to the nurse. The youngest does have a tiny cough and says her chest hurts. She’s harder to decipher though, as she looks and acts totally fine.