Thoughts on Guilt

(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #21

This is a notorious ProAna line made into memes with skinny women and girls to encourage people in that community not to eat. That’s probably why she caught flack for it.


New thought on guilt arises when considering becoming a nutrition coach and how nutrition coaches should look.


I am a woman and I never ever felt guilt regarding food. And I did do crazy things :D. I have regrets extremely rarely but real, troubling guilt? Never. It’s not good for anything for me, in the contrary and I lack something that makes it possible, it seems. I find this a good thing, people often feel so horribly guilty without reason! Not eating insanely unwell and damage themselves, that’s really serious and if guilt helps to change, great. But some people feel quilty just because they eat more than they think they should (it’s quite tragic if that amount is too low) or if they can’t stay on track for long.

Sometimes I wonder if it’s a cultural difference, I live under a rock or I am immune to such things. No one ever told me (until last week) that it’s wrong for a woman to eat a lot. I don’t know if someone ever personally told me I shouldn’t eat high-fat (I did that all my life, it was normal, almost everyone eats high-fat, maybe not in these modern times but everyone I knew, they ate much fat). It’s traditional here to eat fatty pork and whatnot, we have good food and hospitality, hosts and hostesses often try to make us eat A TON, well that can be a problem. I can eat over my daily energy need in one sitting but it wasn’t enough for some of my relatives when I visited.
It’s probably different at other parts of the world. Or if we have a different circle, I don’t hang with thin model gals or something, I hang with housewifes who loves good food and have some excess fat. Even if they do a diet, it’s rarely low-fat.

Some people find tasty food guilty. Sometimes I try to imagine I have a strange taste that I only find unhealthy food (whatever it means for me) delicious. I can’t. My healthiest food tastes the best. I am a lucky hedonist :smiley: But I do like the taste for my less ideal food as well. But as long as I can have 9-10/10 meals almost all the time, I can handle not eating everything (I can skip even some of my top favs for some years without suffering).
Actually, I’ve met people on the internet who tried to persuade me it’s very wrong that I have a hedonistic attitude to food (and everything else). I was confused, I explained I eat as well as I can but it wasn’t good enough. If I eat whatever I want and enjoy them immensely, that’s sinful, probably, for such people. It doesn’t matter I basically do that on every diet I am able to do. I almost never resist temptations but why it is a problem if I can make sure I eat well enough, I can’t comprehend. My goal is eating properly, not using extreme will power or whatnot. That’s stressful, not even healthy let alone enjoyable and joy must happen. I can’t work if I don’t enjoy it at all, I can’t eat food I don’t like. Very rarely, in great necessity I can but that’s it.

If someone feels guilt when breaking rules, I guess it’s advisable to use proper, easy enough rules, not too many or unrealistic ones. People do that, inevitably fail and feel bad.