The One That Got Away

(Jennie ) #1

Is there one thing you miss most of all since starting keto? I never had much of a sweet tooth, so ice cream and treats were easy for me to eliminate. I’ll tell you though, working at a grocery store, every time I see and smell those everything bagels something lights up in my brain. Just everything bagels. That’s the only thing I miss. I’ve tried to recreate them with Trader Joe’s “everything but the bagel” seasoning and various fathead dough/keto bread recipes and its just not the same. I still crave that authentic chewiness of a real bagel.

If anyone has found a decent recipe please share! Also share your "one that got away":v:

(Eric - The patient needs to be patient!) #2

Gosh I really miss rye toast with Irish butter. I still do the Irish butter, just on other things.

(Trudy) #3

My family had Barnicle Bills tonight, crumbed fish is what I miss the most. I’m going to experiment with a Keto version I’m craving it so bad!


Homemade sour dough bread. There is no substitute. It is the only thing I really, really, really miss.
I’m a salty crunchy kinda gal luckily, so lots of keto alternatives to those. Pork rinds are my new tortilla chips.


You could always give Fox Hill Kitchens a try. I’ve not, but I’ve read good things about them.


Nothing compares to sour dough. It is that or nothing, so nothing it is. I have several other types of keto breads I use if I want a bread experience. I also think that stuff is way over priced. But that is just me.


I just don’t bother with bread at all anymore. If I want a “bun” for a burger I just make a modified version of Brenda Zorn’s pork rind waffles but I haven’t even done that in some time.

There is a bakery in town that I pass going to and from work. For years I loved the smell of the bread as I drove by. Not long ago I passed, smelled it and it had no pull or draw for me. Odd because it used to make me crave bread.

(Empress of the Unexpected) #8

I miss pasta.

(Anne) #9

I guess potato chips? I have celiacs, was diagnosed at 25, so I gave up most of the things people miss totally cold turkey and never looked back 6 years ago! Then my jaw started giving me grief, I found out I have TMJ, and I went a solid year without potato chips either, eating nothing hard or crunchy. So the few places with French fries I could eat became way more important than was sensible (five guys, looking at you!)

So… I guess French fries, really, are the only thing I give up for Keto which I hadn’t already given up for gluten free! Oh, and milka chocolate bars. (I did make my slow way through a lily’s bar over the course of a week this week. It was delicious.)

Anybody else's jaw clicking or popping late into intermittent fast?
(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #10

Glazed doughnuts, dozens of them. Literally. :bacon:

(Jennie ) #11

Ohhh thank the keto gods for Lily’s!