So confused!

(Jane) #61

I would have a difficult time eating 4 cups of vegetables every day. Totally not needed for health.

Is your doctor well known in the keto community? Or just mixing keto with the veggies-are-essential mentality?

(Joey) #62

@Pbash So, with a “must eat everyday list” I’m guessing this doctor isn’t a fan of fasting - not even for 24 hours?


@Janie this is just the induction phase (as she puts it). There are additions as we move through the basics. I need the extra food bulk vegetables provide. I have tried less and end up ridiculously hungry. I am not sure what my problem is. I don’t think she is well known because we are in a smaller town. However, when I started in this woe I did come across some well known doctors that pushed veggies. I will have to look them up. They were recommended by people on here so it will be easy to find.
@SomeGuy she just recommended I consider fasting for a bit longer. I don’t know about 24 as I am personally not there yet. 16 hours is pushing it for me.


Do what suits you.
I don’t think you have a problem, we are all different. I couldn’t care less about volume (except for joy, satisfaction… I like to eat a proper amount of good stuff. but as I need energy anyway, even dense food works, it’s not too little), I should avoid vegetables as they bring too much carbs and make me hungry… I have always read everyone and their mother eat lots of vegetables (volume and fiber) for satiation… I felt a weirdo sometimes :slight_smile: Fiber never helped. Or added fat so I am a weirdo among typical keto people too… But it’s fine and we aren’t alone, there are typically many people for every exceptional behavior…
So, we are very different and we should find our own way. It doesn’t matter what good and famous doctors say if it obviously doesn’t work for our individual case.

(Bob M) #65

That’s not a big deal. It takes a while to transition. Heck, I didn’t start fasting until I’d been low carb 1.5 years. (But back then, no one knew about fasting.) Still lost 30+ pounds while not fasting.

(Jane) #66

I don’t see a problem - we are all different. Some get full with extra fat, some don’t. And vice versa, some add extra protein to keep from being hungry between meals and some it doesn’t help.

If it is veggies for you then that’s ok too! As long as your carbs stay low. Easy to eat too many carbs when eating a lot of veggies if you aren’t careful. Keeping your carbs low will eventually lead to fat adaptation and that’s when the real magic of keto starts. Hunger fades and reduces to normal (1960’s) levels back when nobody ate or snacked between meals.


We’ll never have that problem on that border, you know how many place don’t even have a physical border? We’re to intermixed with Canada and vs Versa. I was pissed when they started requiring passports to get over it! We simply don’t need a wall up there, the Mexican border is a nightmare. I friggen LOVE Mexico… and the Mexican people for that. But the good ones aren’t the problem.


Sounds like everything’s working fine, nothing wrong with being veggie heavy, helps a lot of people and it seems you’re one of them. Don’t worry about fasting, eating is more fun anyways.