Skin worse on keto

(Joey) #21

@GoHabeesha Check out the “KetoAide” thread started by @Brenda and elsewhere on the forum for some helpful tips on how to get electrolytes into your increased daily fluid intake.

It worked wonders for me when I had not taken the “stay hydrated with electrolyte” advice seriously enough (and still works great for me to this day).

(KCKO, KCFO) #22

Getting fat again will not help anything. At 69 you don’t want to have to gain and lose again.
Protein nurtures hair and nails. Not carbs, so don’t go there.

Hair loss is caused by a couple of things, Dr. Westman talks about it in this video, I did go through a hair loss phase, it has since grown back even thicker and I had plenty to begin with, I can barely keep my nails trimmed back for typing these days.

(Marianne) #23

Ha,ha!!! Oh, gurlll, I’m sorry - God bless! Where you been?!!! I like you!!! My credo - whatever - at least for now - I’ll see how things “shake out” after a good amount of time (been on keto for seven months - love it!), and then decide what, if anything I am going to do. Got a “chemical peel” (crap) about 3 weeks ago). Started moisturizing at the same time, first time in my life. My skin rebelled and never looked worse. It is getting slowly better and adjusting. There is hope. I’ll wait and see but if things don’t get markedly better with autophagy, there is a “mid face lift” in my future and possible a tummy tuck. I have never had a flat stomach in my entire life - 60 years.

As far as hair loss, I’ve experienced that, too - very alarming. I have just stayed the course, although I think drinking bone broth and taking vitamins would help. I think it is getting better and I don’t seem to be losing as much hair lately. Being basically carnivore, I am afraid I have scurvy or something weird like that.

(Marianne) #24

Yes, don’t want to do that to myself. It’s all good, no matter where it is. As long as I am staying on plan and not “cheating.”

(Marianne) #25

Very encouraging. Thank you. :hugs:

(Olivia) #26

Chemical peeling might be a solution if you are ready for the whole procedure. Several months ago, I did a course on them, and that was one of the best skincare procedures I’ve ever had. chemical peel vancouver helps remove acne and even the skin tone and get rid of excessive hair. It’s not a panacea, but it can help in severe cases when nothing else can. My doctor recommended this procedure because other ways that I’ve tried, like IPL laser hair removal, did not positively affect my skin. It is different for everybody, and you better consult a doctor before making any decisions.