Show me the science re: grass fed beef

(Ken) #41

Hmmm. As I recall, the resistance occurred naturally, I think it was found in a geranium. It’s not like it was created out of thin air in a lab. The same mutation could have occurred in any other plant, including corn. Sorry guy, but the burden of proof is on you, not me. Your hypothesis that GMO corn is detrimental has yet to be proven, and many have tried to. Ya’know, that pesky old Scientific Method raises it’s ugly head.

Believe what you want, it’s your religious freedom.


Mono-crop agriculture has been an unmitigated disaster for the environment for sure. Have you read the vegetarian myth by chance?

(Ken) #43

I certainly don’t deny there are problems with Monoculture. However, one person’s “Disaster” is another one’s “Feed the World”. No I haven’t read the book, but I’m familiar with the subject. It’s really the vegetarian concept that’s unsustainable, considering the resource requirements per calorie of food produced. It’s much more efficient to feed plants to an animal, then eat the animal…

A comprehensive refutation of vegetarianism can be found on

(GINA ) #44

Cattle can graze on land that can’t be farmed too. Rocky, uncleared, hilly, uneven, they don’t care as long as grass grows. It does take more land to graze rather than feed grain, but they can be run on land that can’t be used for any other agriculture anyway. I don’t know much about farming anywhere besides California, but cattle are what you see all over our foothills fall through spring while the grass is growing. Crops are what is in the valleys (mostly, you will see some cattle) and that land is a lot more valuable.

(Jeannie Oliver) #45

Same in the Texas Panhandle. Further, cattle require a lot less water than crops, which is a BIG ISSUE in the Southwest.


This point may already be covered and if so I apologize. I agree a cow is built to eat hard to digest grasses and will be much healthier living on grass. However we Keto people want FAT! and to make a cow fat, just like humans, feed it grain. This grain gives us more marble in our meat and there for better keto energy. This says to me I want fatter cows not leaner.
Keep in mind this concept is valid in my mind if the cow is grass fed then fattened on organic non enhanced grains. Good luck with the last part.