Salt intake and swelling - Dr. Berry theory

(Brandy Fischbach) #1

Hi All,

So I have a tendency to swell even since doing keto when taking in extra sodium. Just one swig of pickle juice will swell me the next day. Dr. Berry said yesterday on a FB live that is a sign of not being fat adapted and that after fat adaption, that won’t happen anymore. Does that make sense??

(Runs on bacon) #2

Make sure to check out this episode! So much salt info!

(Allie) #3

I’m fat adapted and have been for years but have had to stop supplementing with salt due to swollen ankles.

(Kaiden) #4

I wonder how much salt I would need to take to compensate for my collagen disorder and use the water retention to protect my joints.

Probably doesn’t work that way, but I’ll try anything at this point.


I’ve been fat adapted for years. My ankles still swell, worse in hot weather. For me, potassium supplements help but do not eliminate the problem.