Reviving old topic of carnivore and muscle cramps

(Edith) #21

Hi @robintemplin, salt has been tricky for me since I started keto almost five years ago. For me, lack of magnesium causes restless legs, heart palpitations and anxiety. I tried stopping it on carnivore to no avail. I had to start taking it again because the heart palpitations and restless legs reared their ugly head. If I recall, I had stopped it for over a month, so it did seem to take some time to draw down the stores.

My muscle cramps have alway been caused by not enough salt. I was up to 2 teaspoons a day at one point. But, what helped me was finally getting off the Diet Coke (it was quite diuretic for me) and drinking less fluid overall. I think I was flushing electrolytes from my body. Now, I rarely need extra salt.

(Robin) #22

Thanks. I remember you going through it, and was curious where you ended up. Since last night was cramp free…. I’m sticking with my old mg citrate, salt, and water bedtime cocktail. Fingers crossed. Not my toes… they could get stuck there… yeowch.

(Robin) #23

Ordering now. Thanks!

(Bob M) #24

These things are tricky. I’ve periodically had cramps, so I’ve tried to solve them with increased salt intake and/or magnesium. Was eating just salt for instance, not associated with a meal. But I’ve since stopped that, no cramps. Reduced Mg, no cramps.

Have been eating slight more carbs, depending on the day, though. Today, not really (had beef heart + ham + olives + A2 cheese, some natto for lunch), but a few more carbs on the days I do body weight training. Try to keep the carbs “good”, such as spaghetti or other squash, but sometimes resort to rice noodles when I don’t have time to cook. Have about 40 grams or so before fiber is subtracted, usually only the meal after my workout.

HOWEVER, I’ve been so hungry (started 5 days a week workouts), that I’ve been eating yogurt with 70% chocolate. The chocolate might help with cramps, too.

It’s been difficult to track what does and doesn’t lead to cramps. And, it’s winter, so that’s one more variable.

(Joey) #25

Excellent point.

Definitely watch out for calcium supplementation. Based on several academic sources, if you don’t have proper K2 and D3 going on, excess calcium can wind up in the arteries, not the bones. Few diets - even in the world of SAD - are deficient in calcium these days. Getting it to bind in the right places internally is really the larger challenge.


Tiny amounts of carbs sort out my cramp problems - say, a teaspoon of honey two or three times a week, or 1/4 butternut squash (shared with my wife) same frequency. I guess if you could get fresh blood it would have some carbs in it…

(Robin) #27

Two glorious nights with no muscle cramps. Mg citrate, salt , and big glass of water before bed.
Stopped my melatonin too.
INTERESTING DEVELOPMENT: My son, 40, has been taking melatonin for a couple years at least. (Insomnia seems to run in our family.) we recently noticed his face and neck were turning brown. Noticeably. News flash, melatonin can cause hyperpigmentation. So he tossed his last night. I’m awaiting news on how he slept.

Anyhoo… thanks everyone for all the good advice.
And @Shortstuff, Shawn Stevenson books are on the way. I watched the links you sent and am now a fan too.


cramps is up salt
other than that those crazy all other supps just interfer but…a walk we all walk in learning.
simple who we are is not on supps so? a path we all find and ‘fix’?

(Allie) #29

I’m sure the Sleep Smarter book will be a great help to you and your son too :grinning:

(Robin) #30

@Shortstuff, Allie, I just got out my copy of Shawn Stevenson’s Eat Smarter. Again. I read it straight through when I first got it. But I can’t tell you how many times I have looked up a specicfic topic, and found it there.
I’ve been dealing with covid brain, big time.
Read his chapter on brain health. Realized I had become lax in water intake and salt.And I have a list of other sups to add.

Thanks again for turning me on to him.

(Allie) #31

I’m glad you’re getting so much benefit from his research and teachings :heart:

His podcast, The Model Health Show, was the first podcast I ever listened to and opened me up to a whole new world.

(Rebecca ) #32

Absolutely correct!