Your plate looks very good!
Pigs are quite fatty here normally but Mangalica is very trendy now, that is on another level… But most cuts from normal pigs are fatty, more or less, it varies a lot, that’s why I can’t track my fat intake with a decent accuracy but I can guess. Sometimes I track leaner pork shoulder as chuck, sometimes I track fatty pork loin as chuck
Chuck is my fav and in the middle, I can tell if something is about as fatty as the average pork chuck I ever had, let’s hope that the data for it isn’t too far from that 
There are lean cuts but only the light pork loin is really lean. Green ham can be pretty lean but most slabs have a decent fat layer. There is a rare expensive lean cut but the rest are fatty, more or less. I avoid the very fatty kind (I talk about fresh meat here, smoked is another matter but if I buy something from the farmer’s market, that’s usually smoked pork loin as I love the marbling and I prefer my meat having lots of actual meat) but there is a huge variety. Pork belly is just one option, there are ribs and side bacon, they are always very fatty… Pork shoulder is very fatty and even trimming can’t “help” to a great extent as the meat itself isn’t lean. But yes, it drops the fattiness a lot, no idea how much. I just feel the meat isn’t lean at all. A pig mostly produces fatty meat and less lean meat - and even those have very tempting fat layers, usually. I love pork loin now but I dislike it if it’s lean. I remember it being lean when I was a child too, people used it for making breaded schnitzel (it was basically THE main dish for Sunday, it’s extremely popular since ages. never liked it so much and now I know why, it’s too lean and too carby for me. yes it soaks up fat but added fat doesn’t help with lean meat if one is me)… But now it comes in bigger slabs and it almost always includes the nice fat layer I like so much. I just roast it in one piece, maybe two if I manage to buy a big one, I am not very patient and a big one needs more than 2 hours…
Lean but tender, juicy meat with an impressive enough fat layer on it? Perfect for a roast! So I simply always do it with pork loin. I use green ham and pork shoulder, the cheapest cuts for almost everything else. Pork loin and chuck get the VIP treatment, they are my big favs. The fattier part of green ham is wonderful fried, the leftover lean stuff is for other things though hungry me totally enjoys a small piece or two. Like meatballs, I put enough fatty pork skin (already cooked into softness) into it and everything is cut into so tiny pieces that the leanness of the green ham can’t be noticed anymore. I can feed lean meat to my SO too as he only likes those, up to pork chuck (but I better eat the fattier parts there too). Pork chuck was where our tastes met originally. He dislikes anything fattier, I disliked anything leaner… But it turned out my leaner favs taste wonderful and with the right fat layer, they are good. Maybe some lean parts are left but I have ways to handle those.
I can write about pork forever. I did it so much in carnivore threads but I never feel I am done. I feel lucky, as affordable (close to the cheapest possible), healthy and tasty aren’t in conflict when it comes to my food. Oh and available too.