No apetite whatsoever

(Oliver ) #21

Right so I while I’m certainly no expert on the keto. I did thought that one of the benefits of going low carb is a reduced appetite and basically a “need för *food”, other when you are really hungry.


Needing food and being hungry (=feeling hungry) are truly two very different things indeed. I used to get hungry pretty regularly before (at least once, around 2-3pm every day), ketosis changed nothing, fat-adaptation made my hunger way softer but I got hungry and had to eat immediately to get rid of it just like before… And then some flirting with carnivore and I may not get hungry for several days - I would if I didn’t eat I suppose but I need and wish to eat so I do it.
It’s not good to wait until hunger if our body refuses to give the sign even if food is needed. Eating
when hungry works for many but not for everyone. (I personally am totally unable to wait so long even if it would be useful but that’s another matter.)

I only have that very close to carnivore. It was a very surreal change :slight_smile: (Too bad I stay fat even that way. But hey, less wasteful eating, more chill! And I still have chances if I can focus on doing everything right.)

And if we merely talk about low-carb, way above keto level… While I could and did overeat like crazy there occasionally (it’s the case on each and every woe I am able to do), I actually could eat less (even below my TDEE and it’s a small miracle in my case) while being satiated and satisfied all day. I could have done it on high-carb too but only doing OMAD all the time and that never could happen to me on any woe.

It’s still bad if you starve or overeat… Ideally, you eat just the right amount but it’s not the case with all of us. I say newbies should just get used to keto, eat when have a good reason for it, enough to get satiated nicely… And it may work. If not, they may tweak or track or whatever but it’s a pity to overcomplicate it right in the beginning when they don’t even know if keto alone would solve many problems. Many people really don’t need to care about calories. And someone like me never would control their macros beyond choosing what and when to eat right, tracking helps me to see some pattern or problem but I just count, seeing the numbers has little (more like nothing) to do with my food intake for that day.
I like to track for a few days when I do a drastic change as sometimes it’s very easy to eat wrong then (but first of all, I am super curious. and want to see the effect of the changes). I want to see if my protein still is in its right range (it always is, though), calories too - and I needed to track my carbs on keto to ensure I stay below my chosen limit. If one is close to carnivore, this last thing may not needed (as long as one goes easy on certain dairy, at least) and the others may take care of themselves, well, not in my case though I never massively overate on carnivore multiple days in a row. I probably could, though. And a single day over twice my TDEE isn’t nice either (well I enjoyed the unusual numbers, it entertains me. another reason to track sometimes. but I actually spot a problem food item that way).

(Shannon) #23

Any thoughts on reasons for why you “stay fat even that way”? I’m just curious if it’s more of a choice (e.g. you’re going to eat the way you eat no matter what), or something you think you can’t control, or something else?

(Oliver ) #24

Right I guess the ideal is to find a good “healthy” sustainable pattern which you can maintain for quite some time. While I guess it could happen at some occasion that I could overeat think I these I hopefully have a somewhat better understanding of things. I also think in general that Keto or at least a carb reduced diet reduce most cravings.


It’s very clear, I eat too much fat (sometimes it’s caused by too many carbs but it’s not nearly as common since I went low-carb. I probably massively overate fat all the time on high-carb and I suppose that’s why I still have certain problems with it). Carbs alone don’t seem to matter but they mess things up so I end up eating even way more fat. And anyway, I feel better with little.
I have not much control and it’s very much fine with me as long as I automatically do what it right. I am not quite there yet though I have great days too since I tried carnivore. I am changing. Give me 10 more years and I probably lose a big part of this 40lbs or so extra :slight_smile: But as I am stalling since maybe that long, I hope the ice will break sooner. But as long as I feel okay and don’t get super low energy, I am fine enough. 40lbs of extra fat isn’t so much. Just aesthetically not pleasing and surely less would be a tiny bit healthier. Oh and I can’t pull myself off so I could use a smaller weight and more arm muscles… I want muscles more than losing fat but I want both, how can I show off my (future) muscles with all that fat on me?
But I actually want feeling right and energetic even more. Sadly, I am a lowish-energy type. But extreme low-carb seems to help a little. I can’t be sure yet. I never will have much energy (I think. one can never know) but hat’s fine. I know what it is like being exhausted without a good reason, normal energy is brilliant.

IDK if it’s clear but I do try to eat little (as little protein, carbs and fat as comfortably possible. I tend to overeat everything if I am not careful so it’s a very good attitude for me since I went low-carb). It wasn’t so good until carnivore, now it gets better and better. Just slowly. So I suppose I will start to lose fat at some point.


Wow. So many experiences (cravings/no cravings) that I’ve experienced on my keto journey too!

It’ll balance out, but in my experience, sometimes I just need a healthy nutritional meal (OMAD low carb) at about 20:00 every night, and other days I’ll eat brunch as well around midday.

Eat keto, you’ll not eat too much. You’ll not eat too little either- if you do, and it’s chronic; please seek help, because that’s not what excluding carbs is about.

If you do accidentally, not the end of the world.
Get back on the horse! :slight_smile: