New to Keto need Good snack recipes

(MooBoom) #21

Snacks are absolutely FINE if you’re a newbie and you’re just starting out. A lot of people start out needing them (or feeling like they need them) but as the weeks progress the need, real or perceived, drops off and before you know it you’re totally ok skipping breakfast and eating only two, or even one, meal/s a day.

Just make sure when you eat, your hunger, not your boredom (or habit) is driving it. Those who have commented against snacking are correct, it does unnecessarily raise your insulin which is counter productive to the goal of a ketogenic diet. However if you need to use snacking as a crutch to stay keto early on in your journey then that is A ok too- you won’t need it forever.

(Alec) #22

That’s exactly what it is. The more you think of carbs as an addictive substance to be avoided at all costs, the sooner keto will work for you. :+1:

(Fast Freddy) #23

The idea behind going Keto is to NOT snack as often or at all.

You need to eat when hungry and until full and not snack in between - this is why Keto and IF go hand in hand. They work very well together because generally speaking one feels very satisfied if they Keto correctly.

I fast all day and eat OMAD - feels awesome not to snack at all or eat during the day and come home to a Keto feast :slight_smile:

(Ethan) #24

Many start the way the OP @Sexy . They want to eat as closely as possible to the old carb-heavy ways. Snacks and low-carb substitutes work well to bridge the gap to fat adaption. What determines success is whether the way of eating changes entirely to no longer need those snacks or low-carb substitutes.

(Sexy) #25

Ok thanks