New keto guy

(Susan) #22

That is awesome, Lance, congrats =).

(darrell vollrath) #23

I am in bed, may have keto flu. Tired, nausea. I am tempted to eat carbs to feel better. Does keto flu happen this fast, 3 days on keto? How long will keto flu last?

(Jane) #24

Troll ALERT!!!

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #25

Try eating some salt. If that does not cure your symptoms, than what you have is not keto “flu.”

Keto “flu” is actually a lack of sodium. It usually involves symptoms of lightheadedness, dizziness, headache, etc. Constipation is another sign of low sodium.

The high level of insulin resulting from a high-carbohydrate diet interferes with the kidneys’ ability to excrete sodium, and adopting a ketogenic diet removes this interference. The kidneys start excreting sodium at the normal rate, and we have to work a bit to keep our sodium intake up. Several fairly recent studies have shown that the healthiest sodium intake is in the range of 4-6 g/day, which translates to 10-15 g/day of table salt (sodium chloride). Salt already present in your food is included in this amount.

(Scott) #26

Keto flu is best described as “carb withdrawal”. You may have something else going on there, I have heard of people feeling bad but not laid up in bed. Get some salt in you and see how it goes. Any withdrawal symptoms should correct in about five days or so…if you don’t eat carbs.

(ketofanatics) #27

When I posted “For those who over 40, conventional keto is not recommended due to the hormones decline”, some people flagged as a spam, I don’t get it, why?
My post was to make a point the conventional keto is not the best option for old people, but the modified one maybe better, what’s wrong with that? I myself have been practicing Keto for year, it works great, but as I get older, I just know there maybe a better way to to that(the modified one which has a slightly different carb-to-fat ratio, about 55% fat, 30% protein, and 15% carbs. ) How does it even look like spam?
I am new to this forum, dont know what kind of rules I need to follow, or need to say, but that make me feel very very disturbing, I am here just saying my opinion, you can disagree with me, but SPAM? Can some explain to me, please?

(ketofanatics) #28

If you pay attention to my word the[conventional keto], thats my opinion on conventional and modified keto which has a slightly different carb-to-fat ratio, about 55% fat, 30% protein, and 15% carbs.
Thank you for disagreeing with me on that, but thats what I meant!!!
I myself is a keto practicer, the conventional version is not perfect, I just trying modified one to see if I get the better result.

(Ron) #29

It is the way you said. You said it as an absolute and you provided no science to back it up. You also suggested that higher protein ratio levels would be modified keto and that isn’t really correct as keto is not so restrictive in definition that your example is not conventional. The suggested levels of macro’s is just “a suggested” starting point.
I have found it easiest to present suggestions more in a question form so fellow keto’ers feel welcome to join in the conversation.
Just for the record, I am 63 years old and been fallowing the Keto WOE for over 2 1/2 years.
Welcome to the forum! Don’t give up on us. :upside_down_face:

(ketofanatics) #30

I totally understand now, thanks for your patience in writing such a detailed explanation.
I am open to disagreement, criticism, that’s what the forum is all about. :slight_smile:

(Jane) #31

I am 61 and took exception to your statement that conventional keto is not recommended for those over 40. Based on WHAT??? If your personal opinion then that’s fine. Everyone has one. But we are the ones needing it the most.

“Conventional keto” has been a game changer for this old crone… thankyouverymuch

(Scott) #32

I disagree with you if that helps :grinning:
58 here and 20 months keto and spent the last month zero carb trying out carnivore. Other than your post I have never heard of any recommendations to alter keto due to age.

(Hyperbole- best thing in the universe!) #33

I don’t have any stats to back me up, but I bet a majority of the active users here are over 40, and having a lot of success. Just my observation, including of myself.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #34

I can’t think of any mechanism to account for why keto might not be good for people over forty. Dietary carbohydrate is unnecessary to the human body, since the body is perfectly capable of manufacturing all the small amount of glucose that it needs out of other resources.

I lost around 85 pounds and reversed my diabetes at age 61, simply by limiting my carbohydrate intake to 20 g/day or less and making protein and fat to satiety the rest of my diet. That, as I understand it, is pure, unmodified keto. Knowing how my body works, I doubt I’d have done nearly so well on a higher carbohydrate intake.

(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #35

@davo Lots of folks here have been where you are now and got themselves in a much better place eating keto. You can to! Several comments have already addressed your initial request for help with useful info. All I want to add is take it gradually. Start eating keto, remain in ketosis consistently for a few months. Let your body and metabolism make the necessary adjustments to your dietary change. Then consider fasting as a possible adjunct. Don’t jump into deep water before you learn to swim.

I’m 74, have been eating keto for 3+ years and have come to the conclusion it’s the best thing I ever did for myself. I think lots of others here would say the same.

PS: This is the only keto club you need to join! No dues and lots of helpful people.

(darrell vollrath) #36

Thanks so much for the input.

(UsedToBeT2D) #38

54 years here. Keto has effectively reversed my type 2 diabetes which I have been struggling with for 20 years. I have stopped all T2D drugs, feel great, and get to keep my feet for another 30 years. And eyes, and kidneys. Stay calm and Keto on!

(darrell vollrath) #39

Only 2 weeks in and my blood sugar is down to 6.3. can I do intermittent fasting with type 2 diabetes taking pills for it, not insulin? Will blood sugar go too low on a fast? How do I steer this? Thanks.


I do 60% fats 30% protein and 10% carbs.
I read somewhere on the internet that this isn’t “normal” keto but “modified”. Who knew?
“Real” keto is 75% fats, 20% protein and 5 % carbs. So no reason to get upset. I still feel like a part of the gang, and keep my carbs under 20g/day.