My personal results, massive NSV and use this to disprove carb burners!

(ianrobo) #1

In the podcast with @richard and @carl I mentioned I would be doing shortly a health/fitness check and report back and now here it is, so first will give the bare results and some comments, the title may give away some of this ha ha

OK Here it is

Height - 175 cm
weight - 90.5kg
BMI - 29.1 but the doctor herself said to ignore this, so thats interesting in itself !

Body Fat - 21.7% - just above desirable of 15-20% but not too far away !

Waist/Height - 54.9 - now this is a key one and just above desirable of 50

I have pledged to lose between 3-5kg more but my idea for them is 85kg so not too far away

Now is an interesting one I need 3458 calories a day to maintain weight with my exercise levels - relevant if you believe CICO !

Vo2 Max - 47 - this is very high for my age range and the second highest they have ever recorded !!

Blood Pressure - 121/75 - PERFECT !

Very low cardio risk 2% and diabetes - 4%

Lung results - Normal

Now the good stuff, the bloods and Urine and this was having telling them I was on a Keto/high fat diet and showing them what I eat, very interesting talk with the Doc who knew about it and did not discourage, in fact she said she even has given up BREAD !! We are winning all !!!

So for Urine all normal for Sugars, proteins etc

So the bloods

Well note just how the Trigs are and despite total cholesterol more than recommended then I knew about the good one and that is higher and she was VERY pleased with that. I eat the night before over 300g of fat and Trigs are THAT low, just how could this be :slight_smile:

Basically, well we know, hence the title carbs are the disease, fat is the cure … I have nothing before to show the results BUT according to medicine with all the sat fat I eat I should be way way higher and sick eh ?? In fact I am quite the opposite and these bloods not to do with the exercise I do.

Lies, you bet …

Dieticians are at it again
(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #2

Great results, wow! Have some bacon to celebrate: :bacon::bacon:

(ianrobo) #3

Had steak !!

(Randy) #4

GREAT! ! ! ! ! :smile:

(ianrobo) #5

Cheers and what I love is that it denies all the crap we see from some people

(CharleyD) #6

I’d bet you could pass for a hale and hearty 40 year old as well :sunglasses:

(ianrobo) #7

Haha prefer 30 year old but at least I can say far healthier than most haha

(CharleyD) #8

Nah, no 30 year old knows what they’re doing, 30 is the new ‘tween’ :rofl:

(ianrobo) #9

Haha but I want to be 30 again knowing about this now haha

(Richard Morris) #10

wow great VO2 max … nice Trigs/HDL too

(ianrobo) #11

Yep the vo2 was a nice shock Richard to have risen as it did and that has to be my switch over to MAF

(Steve Stephenson) #12

What’s “MAF”?

(ianrobo) #13

Max Aerobic Function, basically doing a majority of training at HE 180-your age as it is less stressful on your body

(ianrobo) #14

OK loads of results from Liver etc just come in and @richard all normal and what we would expect, that sat fat awful eh ? all bang in the normal ranges

(Richard Morris) #15

Nailed it :slight_smile:

(Doug) #16

To say the least. :slightly_smiling_face: I usually hear Triglycerides/HLD at 2:1 or less is good, and down around 1:1 is great. So here’s ianrobo at 0.216… :star_struck:

(ianrobo) #17

yep mate not bad is it ?? OK I do a lot of exercise and that will help I guess but show me anyone who is doing the same as me and a carb burner and their stats.

Someone on Twitter has just said, Sat Fat has problems for health, yeah, exactly WHERE ???

(ianrobo) #18

I think so, shame nothing y=to compare to before Richard but thats not even the point is it, if Sat Fat is so bad then surely these are results are impossible ?

(ianrobo) #19

fascinating what is happening on twitter at the moment, Tim Noakes is getting a lot of people basically attacking him. Others and I are trying our best but there seems a lot of anger directed at him. I wonder @richard and @carl is it worth getting him back on to discuss this ?

(Richard Morris) #20

Wow - that’s awful. We’ll reach out and find out.