Migraine and Keto

(eileen.zollinger) #9

This has some potential for what I need to look into…Thanks!!:relieved:

(eileen.zollinger) #10

Were you episodic or chronic (more than 15 days a month)? I’m trying to figure out some thoughts on the differences between the two and how diet affects them. Thanks! :slight_smile:

(eileen.zollinger) #11

That’s fantastic! I’m hoping that I will continue to improve the longer I continue with this woe. Did you notice that you improved as you went along with keto?

(eileen.zollinger) #12

Light, noise sensitive, tinnitus, nausea, vertigo, speech and language issues…it’s more fun than a hot bowl of bacon fat spilled right down the front of you! And the fact that it lasts for 2-3 days (most rescue meds are out for me because of the strokes) is even better. Woohoo!! I’m really grateful that I’m down to just a few a month. But that can add up to up to 8-10 days down with prodrome and postdrome added in. Were you episodic or chronic (more than 15 days a month), I’m trying to figure out how diet affects the two different groups. Thanks!

(I eat butter by the spoon) #13

Until my early20s I never even had headaches. Then one day I got a migraine with vertigo and they became chronic. Since 2010, with the help of my neurologist they’ve become more episodic. Since keto I haven’t even thought about them, which has been nice.

Have you had cranial sacral therapy?

(eileen.zollinger) #14

I see my headache specialist tomorrow and I will talk with him about that. I think I had that a long time ago when I was 17 and had jaw surgery. I had a massage recently where she worked inside my mouth (is this anything like cranial sacral therapy?) and it triggered some major TMJ issues. It’s possible that if I kept up with that, it might get better, but the three day migraine it triggered was brutal. And the TMJ flare lasted for about 6 weeks. I couldn’t tell if it was one of those times to press on or give up, so I erred on the side of caution and backed off. I always feel like I’m on the edge of tripping back into chronic…I don’t want to go back to that life. I like being able to participate in my family’s daily life. It’s awesome. I won’t give that up without a serious fight. :smiling_imp:

Anybody else's jaw clicking or popping late into intermittent fast?
(Julie Pegler) #15

very random- as I RARELY get migraines but according to the self help guru Louise Hay if you masturbate before the migraine gets bad- it stops them! HA HA HA!

(eileen.zollinger) #16

@Julie Does she have a study to back that up? :joy:

(Julie Pegler) #17

BAHWAHAAAA. Also I have tried it for a normal headache. It totes works dude. :stuck_out_tongue:

(I eat butter by the spoon) #18

I have TMJ issues too which I’ve been told relate to my migraines. The massage in mouth is TMJ.

The craniosacral system consists of the membranes and fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord, as well as the attached bones. These membranes extend from the bones of the skull, face and mouth (which make up the cranium) and down the spine to the sacrum or tailbone area.

The craniosacral therapy is gentle touches on your neck and head. There’s no scientific evidence for it but for some it works. It was part of an overall approach by my osteopathic physiotherapist. I believe my imbalances were a big contributor to the migraines and other issues I was having

(I want abs... olutely all the bacon) #19

I believe it takes time for your body to cycle everything out of your system, speaking purely from experience. I suffered with chronic migraines from my early 20s to early 40s. They went to episodic when I went low carb in my 30s, stupidly I cycled on & off LC. Each time I went back on LC it took a month+ for the migraines to start decreasing and several for them to be absent. My migraines were non-existent when I was 0 carb for 18 months, and then 90% gone when I went gluten-free in my mid-40s. Since I went keto in July (49 years old then) I’ve had only 3 migraines in July/August that lasted 1-2 days max. I was able to manage them with OTC and not a prescription cocktail that leaves me with a hangover.

(I want abs... olutely all the bacon) #20

Wow, I didn’t know all of this, it makes total sense with my pregnancy experience. When I was pregnant with headaches my massage therapist would do light massage on my head and neck/shoulders and it worked! Was much more $$ than the drugs, but I couldn’t take them and without the massage I wanted to rip my head off!

(Julie Pegler) #21

I have tmj too, I found when I was less stressed it went away. I was constantly gritting my teeth. yoga and meditation helped!

(eileen.zollinger) #22

So, 0 carbs is what got rid of them for you? That’s what I’m wondering about. I was thinking I might need to go that low, but am sort of resistant to it for some reason. I think it’s because I really love a few veggies. But I could try that for January. I think there is a thread where people are going zero carb for the month of January. I could hop on that. Thanks for the insight. It’s easier to find info on epilepsy, a sister disease, but not much on migraine. Thanks for your insight. :smile:

(eileen.zollinger) #23

Just learned how to quote!! I will definitely ask about this type of therapy tomorrow. Thank you so much!!

(Sondra Rose) #24

Second going zero carb. Though the key is really zero plants.

Many folk in the zero carb groups I used to frequent have eliminated migraines completely.

Some plants have salicylates that can trigger migraines in sensitive folk. Keto-friendly plants like coconut, olives and avocados are particularly high in salicylates.


If you go zero plants for a month and still have migraines, you may want to investigate histamine intolerance.

(I want abs... olutely all the bacon) #25

My 0 carb period was 0 plants, I didn’t understand the science 20 years ago when I was 0 carb. I ate meat and cooked with butter, I ate plain cheap meat (little $$ @ the time), no cold cuts, bacon, cheese, etc. I occasionally used a sprinkle of dried herbs, but it was maybe a 1/4 tsp once every few weeks because it was a cheat. I felt amazing, but ignorantly concerned I was doing more harm than good because of the lack of veggies, I didn’t listen to my body.


I used to get dreadful migraines and had got into a really bad cycle of rebound attacks with my medication - triptans. I read a useful book called Heal your Headache - The 123 program for taking charge of your pain by David Buchholz which made me realise that I was in this rebound cycle and that the only way to break it was to stop the meds. I did this and it was hellish for a while as I had to deal with the migraines without the meds. I was getting migraines for up to 2 weeks at a time, every day. It was a nightmare. I also started taking some supplements that I think help - high dose omega 3 (I was actually already taking this for depression), magnesium, B2 (riboflavin) and feverfew. Because I have thrown everything at them, I cannot say for sure which of the things I am doing is the most effective or whether actually it is the combination of things that works. I do know that being keto is a huge part though because I have ended up with a migraine when I have had too many carbs. I have also found that taking extra magnesium and some salt helps if I get a migraine now - I am still avoiding triptans and standard painkillers.
I used to average 3 migraines a week. The last few months, I have had maybe 1 per month. This is a game changer for me.

(Amanda Jones) #27

I am also doing keto to gain control over chronic migraines that I’ve had since 2011. I had already cut out all sugar, grains, alcohol, and artificial sweeteners, due to the horrible inflammation these foods were causing in my body in the form of four day long debilitating migraines. To me, Keto was the logical next step to help keep my inflammation under control and try to help my body heal from the damage that had been done from years of not caring about my health. My two month keto anniversary is the 31st of this month, and so far other than weight loss, I haven’t seen a huge improvement but I’m not giving up. I’m actually dealing with a migraine right now, most likely from all of the sugar free keto treats that I ate on Christmas that were sweetened with Swerve. On the bright side, I guess I’ve identified erythritol as one of my trigger foods to stay away from. I’m hoping to find some relief and healing in the future, and I’m confident that I am on the right path with this woe. :relaxed: Sorry for the long reply! Lol

(eileen.zollinger) #28

@SondraRose I will spend a little more time looking at the salicylate. I am allergic to aspirin so it could be a consideration, but aspirin has the extra acetyl group so the likelihood is small. I just haven’t added that in as part of my elimination diet. I am aware of histamine intolerance and know that histamine is an issue for me, but on Keto it really isn’t an issue. Thanks for the link. Lots of good info in one place.