Losing weight on keto

(Kathy L) #21

Not sure what her app is-but I use Cronometer -got that for free… it’s great - there’s a setting for ketogenic diets. Sets up macros according to profile info provided. Does a nice job of tracking everything.

(Barbara Wisneski) #22

Awesome thanks a bunch!

(Larry Lustig) #23

A common pattern on keto is losing about 5 pounds early on, then staying at a relatively steady weight for a month or two while your body adapts to consuming fat as a fuel, and then some relatively rapid weight loss. Once you reach that fat adaptation phase you may find it becomes easier to, for instance, skip lunch. That’s when things tend to move for people.

(Barbara Wisneski) #24

This gives me hope thank you. I think i may be just now getting to the fat burning stage.

(Lyn Simmons) #25

Thank you for this app information! I’ve been using one that stopped working so well. I’ll try yours!

(Lyn Simmons) #26

I found your post interesting. I’m not losing that quickly doing my fasting during the day and eating later on. I wonder if I’d be better off eating in the morning and stopping early and fasting later. I think I will try this for a few weeks and see how I do. Thank you for posting on here and giving others an idea. :slight_smile:

(Anne) #27

Iv’e been ketoing for 6 weeks and lost 6 lbs. Not so great. I wanted to know more about what you mean by tracking by your cycle? Does our cycle mess up the keto progress? I’d love to know more and see if the cycle has anything to do w/ progress. Thanks

(Ken Early) #28

Have your exercise habits changed? Do you have a daily step average, are you more sedentary?

(Mark) #29

You also need to watch your Protein. Lot’s of folks are afraid to raise their fat intake, so they make the mistake of increasing Protein to fill in the calories. The excess protein then is converted to glucose, and so much for the weight loss. :slight_smile:

(Laura Jason) #31

LOVE keto! I started January 23rd and have lost 17 lbs!! One more lb and I will have lost 10% of my body weight. I am so excited about these results and feel great!.Hoping to get things under control with diet and exercise. I am so thankful for all the wonderful resources online that are helping me do this and for a network of encouragement as we all try to be a healthier version of us!

(Kelly Steiger) #33

Larry! Is this true?!!! Please say it is, because my wife and I are having this exact experience. 6 wks in, little or no weight loss and yet we are doing everything right; tracking, electrolytes, sleeping water blah blah blah. We are getting so discouraged!

(Juliana Hagler) #34

Download an app for tracking macros. Some studies show that too much protein can slow weight loss because it can be metabolized to glucose, which your body will use instead of fat. Then make sure your fat ratio is double that of protein. I’m using Lifesum , which calculates macros based on either a strict (<20g carbs) or moderate (50g) Keto diet. It shows the balance of macronutrients per meal and shows what’s left for the day. I didn’t do as well at first and when I started using the app, I started dropping weight daily. Don’t give up but do find a way to be sure you hit daily nutrient goals.