Ketosis Check

(Cj Volesky) #1

9 days on Keto- 5 days in my Keto sticks showed that I had VERY high levels of ketones; the last two days it shows moderate levels and I feel like I am doing an even BETTER job on the diet the last 4 days than the first 5. Is this normal?

(Allie) #2

They’re not an accurate measure at all.


I bought these keto sticks before and while they showed high levels in 2013, they haven’t shown anything since my restart this year. I would not rely on them at all. What I am trying to say is this: don’t rely too much on them, stick to your keto diet and let nature do its job :slight_smile:

(Cj Volesky) #4

This was my count yesterday, will these keep me in ketosis?

(Anderson Herzogenrath Da Costa) #5

The only way to know 100% is measuring with a blood monitor since some factors like stress may kick you out, but at 11g total carbs I would be surprised if you’re not in ketosis.
Awesome job!

(Michael McMurray) #6

They show what your body isn’t using is my understanding. Once your body isn’t just in ketosis but is also fat adapted you stop spilling ketones and using them more efficiently. That is the reason it shows less on the strips.

Let me know if off on any of that, this is what I have gathered from the forums.

(Allie) #7

The only way you can tell for sure is blood testing, until you learn to recognise the signs.
100g protein would be too much for a lot of women, myself included, but you need to find what works for you.

(KB Keto) #8

Yes! Probably. Ditch the pee sticks … too much risk of getting pee on your hands (and they arent a very accurate way to measure ketones) and go with blood…

The only reason you wouldnt be would be the protein in-take. Of course I dont know your body type, fitness levels, fitness activities, etc. Maybe 100g of protein is spot on.

(Cj Volesky) #9

My protein was up yesterday because the day before my fat was very high, I had barely any protein and I felt like crap. I was more trying to even out my percentage so I was more at 20%of my diet being Protein and my Fat closer to the 75%. I got a little worried that my fat was so high yesterday.

(KB Keto) #10

@CJ_Volesky - makes sense but as much as too low of a protein consumption can have negative effects, over compensating and having too much protein can also have negative effects on keto. with that being said, i’d rather see someone go slightly over on their proteins than on carbs.

(Cj Volesky) #11

I feel like I am still trying to find a balance. Some days I have my coffee and I can go almost all day without really eating. I would pop some cheese, deviled egg or 4 LOL and the have dinner. Yesterday, I really felt hungry. I ate a lot. I had 2 keto coffees, a hard boiled egg, chicken caeser salad and chicken wings with broccolini for dinner.

(Allie) #12

Maybe better to just eat normal protein after a day where it felt too low, too much could harm your progress <3

I never worry about fat being too high, just protein and carbs.

(KCKO, KCFO) #13

I ditched the urine strips early on, they show how dehydrated you are, the deep purple is from being dehydrated. I had a slightly pink reading and I was dumping water and fat like crazy, I knew I was in ketosis but the strips didn’t. I tried two brands, on bought online the other at a local store, neither worked for me. Even the Atkins company says don’t use them these days.

There are inexpensive, old school breathalysers you can get on ebay and Amazon if you don’t like pricking your fingers all the time. They measure the acetone in your breath, an indicator you are burning fat. There is a thread about them.

I love my Greenwon, but others have models they like too.

(Cj Volesky) #14

So my husband remembered we have one of his dads old blood check machines. Will this work to check Ketones?

(John Harman) #15

That appears to be a Blood Glucose meter used to test blood sugar. It won’t test for Ketones. I bought a meter that tests both but the strips for testing ketones are expensive. I preordered and received the Ketonix bluetooth and while waiting for it I bought a Greenwon Breath Alcohol Tester. I’ve compared the result of all three and BAC works well and only cost about $11. That is cheaper than three or four test strip for a Blood Ketone tester.

That said good Breath Alcohol Testers won’t work for testing ketones but some cheap ones will. Like collarygal said above.

(Cj Volesky) #16

Just ordered the Greenwon. Thank you!