Ketonix reviews

(đ૯αท ʍ૯ઽƬѳท) #21

I was just reminded get mine out of the cupboard as I haven’t used it in a while.

The blood meter and Ketonix measure different things. I’m sure there is correlation there somehow.

But for comparison I just blew a 10 flash yellow reading (close to 20PPM) and my blood prick was 2.2 mmol/L.

I’ll run a comparison test over the next week and report back.


Isn’t that a young a cappella vocal group?

(đ૯αท ʍ૯ઽƬѳท) #23


(Sammy M) #24

Have ordered USB ketonix from Australia, will get it soon , waiting…

(Sammy M) #25

Got the new 2017 USB meter, working well…

(Von Ling) #26

Hi folks. I’ve gotten my Ketonix for about 2 weeks now and have been on Ketogenic diet for 2 months. Lost about 14lbs so far. Weight isn’t important I know, so most importantly… my clothes sizes have gone down my 1 size.

Im using the Bluetooth version of Ketonix. I think I’m in low ketotsis but my breath acetone seldom goes beyond 13PPM.

Is that normal? Or is it consider low for someone who’s in ketosis? I’m have less than 20g net carbs per day but I’m not eating 75% amount of fat either. It’s between 50-70% fat. Protein is at about 10-15% everyday.

Need to figure out how the measurement works.

(Vicki Apokis) #27

Can I suggest the user manual the website links to? I am not trying to be a smarty pants. And please ignore me if you have already done this. The reason I mention this is because the manual has an very good section describing what the values mean. Below is a link to the manual.