Ketone Meter and Frustrated


Quick background–started keto in Jan of this year. I’ve lost 54 pounds (the last few pounds very slowly). I’m insulin resistant, but not T2D. I have the precision xtra (equivalent) but only bought ketone strips.

Received ketone meter Wed and tested that aftenoon at .6 mmol.
Thursday morning at .1 mmol / afternoon .2 mmol
Friday afternoon .3 mmol
Saturday (today) .4 mmol / afternoon .3 mmol

Each day I have been fully keto and the last 2 days only bacon and eggs.

I am ultra frustrated. I was ok until this afternoon then I came unglued a tiny bit when it went down again (I thought I was slowly getting back to ketosis). I know this is a small sample reading, but I just never thought I’d be out of ketosis after so many months of being on keto. I’d like suggestions, advice, whatever I can get…



Lower ketone levels after a long period of fat adaptation is fairly normal. Your body becomes much more efficient at making and using them, so there’s less of them in the blood being unused. Do some search/googling on this and you’ll see some good articles out there, including stuff by Dr Phinney.

Short answer: chase results (which you have shown), not ketones and KCKO.


PS. Ketone levels are often lowest in the morning.

Gotta run for a bit. Here’s a link to get you started.


@PrimalBrian I think you just saved my mental clarity here… lol Thanks!!

(Tim W) #5

Brian is spot on, relax!

Do you feel like you are in ketosis? For me, it’s energy, mental clarity, willingness to chat with folks, I don’t need a meter reading to tell me if I’m doing alright.

Stressing over the meter reading could serve to raise cortisol, maybe you don’t sleep as well etc. etc. etc. Add that to the fact that you are more adept at using your ketones and you are left with low meter readings.

Once again, chase results, not ketones. If you are dead set on numbers though, try MCT oil or coconut oil, they’ll probably result in a noticeable rise.


Read all three parts of this blog on fat adapted vs. ketosis. It is very educational.

Dr. Phinney mentions nutritional ketosis a lot, Richard referred to the levels in a podcast as .4-.8 I think were the numbers, I’m sure someone will correct this if I am wrong.

Stall is one thing, but gaining?
Perhaps a stupid Fasting question
(Will Nasio) #7

I do heavy training daily and fast 18-22hrs daily. In the morning I test .3 and before I break my fast I test .5. But I feel the benefits of ketosis so I’m happy. No inflammation, no soreness after training. Never hungry. So don’t feel frustrated. I was of the same mind frame as you until I read some of the other comments on here.

Thanks team


I do feel like I’m in ketosis most days. Every now and then I have a day that I’m really hungry early in the morning so it makes me wonder. I usually eat 2 meals a day. It just seemed like earlier in the year I had less hunger and was able to IF more. I still EF some, and I still feel that it’s easier past the 24-hour mark. I guess I was looking to the ketone meter for confirmation, and when in my book I did “everything right” I expected to see better numbers. I am ok with low numbers if that means I’m still in ketosis. I was “frustrated” yesterday because I thought that meant I was not in ketosis. Now, I love eating this way. I’ve never felt better physically. I have more energy. And it’s funny that you say “willingness to chat with folks” because I have experienced that same thing. I was the ultimate introvert before, but while I wouldn’t say I’m an extrovert now, I am certainly MILES better.

As for the cortisol, you’re right. I have to stop doing this to myself. Thanks!!


Have you thought about learning and then experimenting with fasting to change things up a bit and perhaps see what effect it’ll have? Often our bodies need a change of routine.


I’ve done a few EFs, which is about the only time I lose weight lately. I know, I should throw the scales away. lol I also take measurements at the beginning of the month. As for IFs, I was having an easier time with IFs earlier in the year. (TMI but…) I have PCOS, and I’ve found that now that I’ve gotten my period back (2 to 3 weeks at a time!) I have long stretches of time where weight loss is almost impossible. Still, the numbers ARE coming down slowly.

(Tim W) #11

I’ve had the same experience, I trend towards introverted misanthrope (maybe a little on the depressed side, it runs in the family) but when eating keto, I am much more outgoing and find I can deal with the general public easier. I’ve also been studying stoicism for the last few years, I think that helps.

Brian from Ketovangelist reports that keto cured his depression and I’ve read other accounts as well, looks like we are not alone in our reaction to the WOE.