Keto Insomnia

(Gavin) #21


How I dealt with the insomnia was by waking earlier (find something productive to do).
You eventually get used to it, but I did use some L- Tryptophan each night for a little while.

Now when I cycle in and out of keto phases, I only have 1 or 2 nights of insomnia.
If I had more in a row, use some L-Tryptophan for a while…

As far as I know, keto folk dont need as much sleep anyway

(Cindy) #22

I’ve always struggled with insomnia, but keto and fasting have definitely made it worse. Fasting is supposed to make people “need less sleep,” so I guess this is what is happening to me. But I’m only doing keto to prevent Alzheimers, and the 3-5 hours of sleep I’m getting every night seems like an instant formula to cause Alzheimers. So I’m worried. I’ve tried so many things that I can’t list them all here, including every supplement (and all at the same time) ever known to induce sleep, block cortisol, etc. Without the supplements, I sleep 1-2 hours. It’s something I was born with, but going keto has made it much worse. I used to get 6 hours of sleep at night fairly regularly, and now it doesn’t happen. So I sympathize with anyone else who is struggling with this.

(Cathy) #23

Cindy, it took me a very long time to start getting decent sleep but I have been getting very good sleep for years now. If I had to pick one thing that has done the most in that effort, I would say it is the relaxation/self hypnosis. It takes time to develop but is so worth it.

(Carl D Black) #24

I know you said you are taking electrolytes. But I just wanted to share this with you. I had a LOT of sleeping problems. Getting MY potassium straight has fixed most of it. Not only do I eat a LOT of avocados, but I also take this supplement regularly. You may want to give BOTH a try and see how you do.