Keto and Texas Lone Star

(Miro) #1

My family is going to be taking kids to Texas Lone Star grill this weekend. (Up in Canada)
-should be a very similar menu to USA.

I am looking for ideas for a keto meal. I don’t care if it’s a burger without a bun or a burrito less burrito bowl or something.

Wondering if anyone else has substitute stuff there so I don’t fully mess things up.


(George) #2

Those places are probably the easiest to stay keto in when dining out. Get a steak, ask for extra butter, and swap out any of the fries/rings that come as a side for green vegetables.

*edit - add on the shrimp too. I always do that and it’s delicious lol

(Carl Keller) #3

I would order the 14 oz boneless beef rib steak (ribeye?), medium, with no onion rings and no potato, extra seasonal veggies and maybe a caesar salad with no croutons.

(Miro) #4

I am thinking of the BBQ bacon burger without the bun and see if they can substitute the Jim bean sauce (about 8g NC) to the steakhouse burger tomatillo rancher or ask for butter and sauce on side. Then the veggies.

The knife and fork burrito looked ok until I saw all the beans

(Carl Keller) #5

Sounds pretty safe but is that going to fill you up? If it’s an 8 oz burger, I’d probably still be hungry. If it’s a 16 oz burger, then now we are talking. :slight_smile: I will admit though that I am in maintenance and I have a very hearty appetite.

(Libby) #6

Lone Star is one of the few restaurants I will go to lately— get the steak! Try not to give into the peanuts too much. Have a great time :grinning:

(George) #7

Do you find that once you reach or get close to maintenance that appetite increases?

(Karim Wassef) #8

I’d avoid “BBQ”. They use molasses to get that tangy sweetness.

Seared steak with butter… no sides no bread no salad no soup

(Carl Keller) #9

Absolutely and I’m embracing it with fat and protein. I believe that my hormones are doing exactly what they are supposed to be doing.

(George) #10

Very interesting! and no weight gain from eating more? I experienced this last week when I ate double my daily average of food and lost almost triple my weekly weight loss, but not sure if that was a fluke, or my body telling me to eat more.

(Carl Keller) #11

There are days when I eat close to 3000 calories and I probably average around 2200 daily. The last time I checked, I was still two pounds under my goal weight. The only time I crept over when I was eating roasted sweet potatoes about three times a week. I know it wasn’t fat I gained though and was most likely refilling glycogen stores in my liver and muscles. For every gram of glycogen that is stored, I think it’s 3 grams of water that get stored along with it.

(George) #12

That was more or less my average last week and this week, 2200, whereas before then I was closer to the 1500 range with OMAD. Still losing weight, but nowhere near as much as when I increased my intake. Crossing my fingers that my results on the scale tomorrow are like last weeks lol

(KCKO, KCFO) #13

The steak with the butter sauce.
Stay away from any southern BBQ sauces, they are loaded with sweeteners.
Also avoid mole, they can have tons of sugar added to them in restaurants…

Roasted tomatillo Salsa and the guacamole should be fine.

Garlic shrimp if you are still hungry should work as well.

No margaritas, just shots of Tequila with lime/lemon and salt.

Enjoy your night out.

(Miro) #14

I stay clear of the booze. It messes with cancer meds so I’m a tch/CBD dude now.

Ty for the ideas. Looks like a steak and veggies it is.

(less is more, more or less) #15


Just for kicks, I also ask the waiter to ensure I get the fattiest cut of beef, as well. Some chefs have come out to excitedly tell me they’re low-carb, too, and I get an amazing steak for saying this shibboleth.

(Miro) #16

This was the plate I ordered. The steak and a bit of shrimp. Was a Father’s day… So I surf and turf as small as I could.

I gave away the deep fried stuff
-potatoes and onion rings

This was how I ended up. With two extra butter mini cups. I couldn’t finish the last bit of fat. Wouldn’t be able to swallow it.

My son also left behind some simple cheddar cheese, sour cream and lettuce for his fajitas so I took that down as a final ‘taste’.

Hopefully it won’t offset stuff too much.

Gonna try to calculate the meal now.

(KCKO, KCFO) #17

Looks like a great meal to me.