Keto and Brusing

(Peggy Saar) #1

I’ve been on fairly strict Keto since February 2019. The only thing I add is collagen to my coffee. Lately every time I turn around I have new bruises without cause. Is there any reason or connection that anyone is aware of?

('Jackie P') #2

I have read this before. I think it’s because of reduced platelets… maybe take a google search!

(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #3

It wouldn’t hurt to have some labs done, Peggy. I’m not suggesting you have anything wrong, but bruising can be a symptom of some things that could require attention. In my personal experience, my bruising is less since I’m eating more iron and whole food in general. I hope you get to the bottom of it.

(Lazy, Dirty Keto 😝) #4

Yep, this. And I had the same issue especially when I first started but not so much anymore. But I do agree with @PetaMarie that it may be worth getting checked out just for peace of mind.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #5

I find that, if anything, I bruise less on keto than I did before. I second the idea of consulting your physician.

(Hyperbole- best thing in the universe!) #6

I did bruise more easily after a couple months keto. I had lots of bruises on my thighs from my elbows. But it went away after another month or so and hasn’t been a problem since. I’d say like others that i bruise less easily now.

But if it is concerning you or continues for an extended time, I agree with PetaMarie, it would be good to get checked out. If you have a doctor knowledgeable about keto, so much the better.

(Bunny) #7

Not enough gelatin with that collagen in the diet to thicken your skin, as you age your skin tissue including blood vessels and micro vascular vessels get progressively thinner (you start losing your hyaluronic acid from birth e.g. it can change your finger prints for law enforcement background check purposes) and easily break and fill (hematoma) the epidermal layers of the upper skin tissue with blood (i.e. a bruise)!

That is why elderly (geriatric) people were once encouraged (hard to find any info on it now) to eat more gelatin (grinned/ground up animal hooves) to prevent easily bruised skin.

Bone broth and Japanese potatoes works great for that and have lots of hyaluronic acid (the molecular glue that holds your entire body together[1] and it is also what Elmer’s wood glue is made of literally speaking) in it!

Note: trying to take this in a pill supplement form is futile because the hyaluronic acid molecules are too big (man made) in micron particulate size to get into the cells to do any good; you want it from its natural source untouched by the human hand in a laboratory (mixed with different compounds and substances in an attempt to enhance it)?


[1] Other Causes of Easy Bruising: Everyone experiences the occasional bruise. But if your bruises seem excessive, frequent or appear with no known cause, consult your doctor. Bruising may be a sign of a serious problem related to blood clotting. Other factors that can increase your tendency to bruise include the use of blood thinning drugs such as warfarin (Coumadin) or aspirin; use of certain dietary supplements; and use of corticosteroids, which can cause thinning of the skin. As you grow older, you may notice an increased tendency to bruise, as aging capillaries and thinning skin make you more vulnerable to bruising. …More

[2] Hyaluronic acid: A key molecule in skin aging

[3] A way to make hair grow even better than before you went on a Ketogenic diet and help avoid this shedding problem when transitioning into keto:

  1. Bone broth (gelatin and collagen; eat on empty stomach; nothing to eat 4 hours before or 4 hours after)
  2. Organic Sulfur MSM (white powder usually comes in a clear plastic bag just add to drinking water)
  3. Organic Vitamin C (from eating chili peppers)

MSM (methylsulfonylmethane)===>Vitamin C===>Bone Broth = to bind keratin and collagen===>beautiful hair and nails!

Anything Peppers (organic\raw\not cooked) have lots of natural vitamin C more than an orange or anything for that matter, pills will NOT do it! …More