I'm losing weight again after a 1.5 year stall

(Karen) #81

I keep eliminating things from my diet. And while fatty meat is delicious, it seems like variety is disappearing. I’m thinking I’m going to have to let go of cheese too now. Do we all eventually drift into carnivore? Do you think will ever be able to add back in more vegetables or dairy? Just a bit depressing

(carl) #82

I have a feeling that after a while I’ll be able to eat cheese again in moderation. I will also be able to test specific types.

@richard thinks it’s the whey, which is wicked insunilnogenic. That makes sense to me. I tell ya, I feel like I did when I started keto in 2016. Sugar low. Ketones high. Weight coming off. It’s awesome.

(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #83

Hi Carl. What were you eating whey in, keto type breads and stuff? I don’t think there’s whey in my life, but would like to be sure.

(Hyperbole- best thing in the universe!) #84

Most of the whey is removed in making cheese, but not all of it. Especially ricotta.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #85

And that’s just the whey it is . . . :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

(Jay Patten) #86

@carl you are the man. My biggest takeaway from the podcast and the forum in this: I used to think that this diet was unhealthy for long term use. Now I know better and for the first time in my life I have stayed on Keto for almost 15 months now. I have lost almost 110 pounds and my cholesterol and blood pressure are both perfect.

I too went through a long stall that I have recently busted through by making some slight changes. I was exactly 180 pounds this morning… very close to my goal of getting “into the 170’s” (wherever that may be, lol).

No matter what people say, there will always be times when we get cravings or we slip. We are only human after all!

(carl) #87

I was eating Brie, cheddar, bleu cheese, gouda, and the like. Only keto bread I eat is Fox Hill http://bread.2keto.com and I still eat it with no issues.

I should also say full caf coffee is back in my life. No issues.

I also had heavy cream in my coffee.

(carl) #88

Well done!

(carl) #89


(Hyperbole- best thing in the universe!) #90

Milk is separated into curds and whey. The curds are pressed together to make cheese. You can also make cheese out of the whey, like ricotta. (Thanks Professor Google!)

(Carl Keller) #91

To brie or not to brie:
that is the question.

(Jennibc) #92

You guys are so cheesy!

(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #93

Thanks for the cheese lesson. I knew curds and whey but when I hear whey I think protein shake for some reason. Anyway, I’m not a lover of cheese really, so I feel better knowing.

(Karen) #94

Last dance lesson tonight. Salsa. Afterwards they had lots of wine and an amazing selection of cheeses, crackers, dried fruits and nuts and fresh fruit. So I guess I’ll give up on the cheese another day. But fantastic Cheeses.

(Janelle) #95

Dang - I truly love cheese in most of its forms (goat cheese was invented by some sadist who liked the taste of goat urine). I am going to do as I did when starting keto. Eat up some of the yummy cheese here in the house this week and try several “cheese free weeks”. Sigh.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #96

Is salsa keto? HAHAHA! (I just slay me, sometimes!)

(Jay Patten) #97


(Karen) #98

:blush:It was fun though, although because I’m old some of the steps were way too fast. I love dancing if there was exercise I’d do it would be dancing.

(Hyperbole- best thing in the universe!) #99

Public spaces in China, like parks and parking lots, are full of old ladies dancing in formation at night to loud music. Sometimes young people even call the police on them if they are close to apartments. It is quite loud.

(Jane) #100

I joined in a group that was dancing and my colleague videoed it on his phone and sent it to me. I told him it better not end up on social media!!! LOL

And they had a decibel meter nearby with a large display. It was in a public park away from residences.