I Want To Start On Keto

(Ana Cruz) #1

How Can I Start My Keto Diet ?

(Candy Lind) #2

Sweetie, it’s all in here! Read the how-to in the “newbies” forum. Keep track of carbs in everything you eat. Eat 20 grams of carb or less per day. READ LABELS. Eat real, unprocessed food that you cook yourself. READ THIS POST.

That will get you started.

(Empress of the Unexpected) #3

dietdoctor.com/ is an excellent resource.

Also, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) is an excellent resource on this forum.

And we have so many knowlegable people here, feel free to ask for all the help and information you need.

(Cynthia Anderson) #4

If you are very high carb IMHO you should start slow. Cut your current carbs in half for a week or two. Then go keto.

(Carpe salata!) #5

You can listen to an explanation for beginners at


That’s the 2ketodudes site.

(Frank) #6

Read the obesity code by dr Jason fung.