I asked this question before about Insulin resistance and insulin injections

(Masako Esparragoza) #23

I don’t have any scientific support on this. Most doctors don’t really know what causes the sleepiness. Anecdotally I know since I have been on Keto, I never am sleepy after a meal, no matter who much I eat, even turkey :crazy_face:

(icky) #24

"Researchers do not fully understand exactly what causes postprandial somnolence. "

“Blood sugar will also rise, which can lead to a dip in energy levels shortly afterward.”

“After a meal, the body needs to focus on digesting the food, so more blood moves to the digestive system and away from the brain.”

So it doesn’t seem to be a drop in blood sugar…

(icky) #25

Like I said, I don’t think this is right… Blood sugar crashes feel very different to me and I had both blood sugar crashes and “postprandial somnolence” back when I was insulin sensitve too…


Anybody can have them, I never said otherwise, but they’re very common in Insulin resistant people from the Insulin load, and typically why many in our circles are having them. Also, blood sugar crashes aren’t synonymous with going Hypo.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #27

The cells don’t refuse completely to take in any insulin at all. But with them having fewer insulin receptors, it takes more insulin in the blood to make sure that they listen to the insulin signal. In a healthy person (which so few of us are, these days), it takes very little insulin to get the cells’ attention. Think of it as the cells are getting deafer and deafer, and so insulin has to shout louder and louder.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #28

It’s specific to people eating a high-carb diet who have become insulin-resistant. Eating carbohydrate increases appetite, so we eat even more, and the resulting blood sugar spike is a serious problem (can even be fatal), so insulin mobilises to drive it back down. When we become insulin-resistant, the pancreas can secrete too much insulin in response to the glucose, so that when it eventually starts to work, there is too much insulin, and it drives the blood sugar too low in response.

The brain doesn’t like it when it’s not getting enough energy, hence the low-sugar crash. If we were producing ketones in our liver, the brain would happily eat the ketones, but since our insulin is too high, we are not producing ketones. Therefore the brain gets hungry and shuts down.

The problem with Type II diabetes is that it was first diagnosed and described at a point where doctors knew nothing about the existence of insulin, so they didn’t notice any problems until blood sugar got out of control. The result was that they didn’t know the difference between Type I and Type II. Nowadays, we know very well that Type I diabetes is the result of a lack of insulin, whereas Type II is the result of an over-supply of insulin–but unfortunately doctors’ thinking about diagnosis and treatment are too entrenched to change to a more effective way of looking at the two diseases.

(KM) #29

Pretty ridiculous, isn’t it? Two entirely different diseases with one stretch of a link. It’s almost like saying heatstroke and hypothermia are more or less the same thing just because they both go away if you change the temperature.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #30

Oh, I like that!

May I steal it from you?