How often do you test blood ketones?

(*Rusty* Instagram: @Rustyk61) #1

I received my Keto mojo last Saturday. I also purchased 30 extra strips over the 10 that came with it. I’ve been checking it once a day in the early evening hours and it’s always somewhere between, .6 - 1.4…but since those strips are about a buck a piece, not sure I really need to know every day. As long as I’ve been doing this, I pretty much knew where my results would be each day based off of my food intake.

So, how often do you test your blood ketone level?

(Vincent Hall) #2

I test if I suspect Ive gone over the max carb Im used to. So far up to 30 net and Im okay two days in a row. If I go three days at near 30 net I will test or if I go 40.
The other one is protein, Im waiting for big hit on protein day, then I would test.
Otherwise, I just KCKO…

(*Rusty* Instagram: @Rustyk61) #3

This is exactly the kind of info I was looking for. Thank you for input.

(Vincent Hall) #4

You have to get your own baseline established though. That might take some testing at first. When I find the carb or protein limit (coupled with the amount of exercise I regularly do per week) I’ll have a better idea of what I can take on those days one might not be so strict. This takes time to get right. Especially as I’ve a suspected rotator cuff injury which has curtailed my exercise regime for a while. But I digress

(Todd Allen) #5

I got a $3 breathalyzer from Ebay. It reads from 0.00 to 0.19 %BAC. As I got new readings throughout its range I would check my blood strips for comparison. Now I use the breathalyzer a lot and very rarely use the blood strips.

(Vincent Hall) #6

Ah yes, I have one as well. 0. 3 - 0. 5 seems to be my blown range. If I ever go off keto and confirmed with blood, it’ll be interesting to see if the breath blows zero.

(*Rusty* Instagram: @Rustyk61) #7

Thanks Todd. Awesome idea. I’m on the hunt!

(Vincent Hall) #8

(Roy D) #9

I typically test first thing in the morning, before I eat or drink anything. My test of choice is a blood test with a Precision Xtra meter. (I bought the meter before the Keto Mojo meter was available.)

It’s my understanding that ketone levels vary during the day, and are typically the lowest in the morning. Ketone levels can also vary with food intake, where some foods cause a drop in ketone levels while others cause a rise. (I suspect carbs will cause a drop, whereas foods/drinks with MCT oil will cause a rise.)

My main objective is to obtain overall consistent blood ketone measurements. With taking measurements after a night of sleep (aka a period of normal fasting) and before the intake of any food or drink the first thing in the morning, should give me some consistency where I can trend.


I have a keto mojo too. I test like once a week (if that) now that I’ve been doing this for a few months. In the beginning I’d check like every day or every other day. I guess I don’t care what the number is that much anymore, I know I’m in ketosis.

(Justin Cain Hoffman ) #11

Does this mean you could get a dwi while in ketosis???!!! NO humor intended. Sincere question from inexperienced, yet to be informed rookie of 2 weeks.

(Brandi ) #12

Was wondering about that as well. :astonished:

(Tovan Nhsh) #13

No. I had the same question- turns out it’s only the cheap models. According the officer I spoke with (who was keto by the way) the ones used on the road are more sophisticated


As someone new to keto, I’ve been testing quite a lot.

There are days when I only test once during the day, but on most days, I’ll test at various times to see where I’m at. I will often test before/after meals and/or before/after exercise. I know now, for example, that eating a “low carb” energy bar is not an especially good idea due to the fact that it’s not quite low enough in carbs - or so I surmise - another possibility is that it’s too high in protein. (On the evening that I ate one of these bars, I measured my blood ketones at 2.4 mmol/L; when I measured the following morning it was down to 0.8 mmol/L and down to 0.3 later in the day. For me, on most days recently, my blood ketone levels are almost always above 1.0 and not infrequently above 2.0.)

Also, intrigued by the glycine discussion (and mention on two recent podcasts), I ordered some glycine and tested before and after taking it. (I didn’t see a change in my blood ketone level, but glucose was up slightly when measured by one meter and a lot when measured with another. That was just one test; I will continue to experiment.)

I’ve found, too, that consuming MCT oil creates a rather dramatic rise in blood ketones. I’ve done just one test with exogenous ketones and saw a more modest increase that didn’t last very long.

Over time, I expect that I’ll be testing a lot less frequently, but at the moment I’m doing a lot of self-experimentation as I’m curious about what various foods, supplements, and activities do to both my glucose and ketone levels.