How Often Do You Have Dessert and What?

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #21

I eat desserts whenever I want, which is sometimes daily. I try to keep certain sweeteners such as Ace K and aspartame to a minimum, but ANY sweetener causes an insulin release. I eat a dessert close to dinner. Keeping the feeding window as small as possible. I also aim for VERY fatty desserts, lightly sweetened… such as mousse, cheesecake mousse, mug cakes, ice cream, peanut butter cookies, shortbread cookies, fresh berries, and gelatin with cream.

(Brian) #22

It’s confirmation that we’re all a little different. I find it pretty easy to have a muffin or a small peanut butter bar and leave the rest alone. Actually, I would probably fail at the berries and cream and would probably pig out way more than I should. I love berries. LOL!! (A keto muffin probably has 4 or 5 blueberries or raspberries. If I had free reign on a sizable container of berries, I would probably have a hard time stopping at a cup, I’d want more, More, MORE!! LOL!)

Yup, n=1. Gotta go with what works for you.



ColdStone dark chocolate ice cream once every three or four weeks.


a couple of squares of 70% choc nearly every day. Sometimes as a snack at my desk, sometimes as dessert after my main meal.

The rest of the time I am ZC with a few herbs and spices.

(Vincent Hall) #25

Usually end of daily, I’ll have my almond milk smoothie, with a teaspoon or two of cacoa powder & nibs, a little stevia, double cream topped off with a load of ice cubes and blitzed in my bullet. Oh and two squares of 90% Lindt chocolate.
But when Im away, just the couple of squares of Lindt suit me


Not often these days, but when I started keto I needed them daily for a while (mostly sugar-free Jello until I found out it contains maltodextrin…grrrr) to not feel deprived. I’ll have them when I want them now, just don’t happen to crave them much anymore.

(Pete A) #27

Make som of dat for me!


I don’t eat heaps of fat with dinner as I don’t really enjoy it, but I’m a sucker for unsweetened whipped cream, so I usually end up having a bowl of that afterwards. Works for me…


sweet tooth is sooooo gone, I’ve had no ‘dessert’ for awhile now but in the beginning I had some fondness for fat bombs and enjoyed the strawberries and blueberries so much. I am not a chocolate fan at all but something with a wee bit of fruit and cream cheese will make me happy for several days!

(Lonnie Hedley) #30

Nut butter after dinner daily. I make it fit into my macros. Never a dessert person before, but before Keto I would eat sweet stuff any time of the day. Now that I track everything I save the sweet stuff until the end of the day to make sure it fits into my fat/protein limits.

(Jeanne Wagner) #31

I have a pavlovian response to eating… I eat, then I ‘need’ dessert. It’s a physical and mental craving. Since going gluten free a year ago, then Keto 7 months ago and doing IF/EF fasting, my sweet tooth has been 95% conquered. I still feel a need to round out a meal with a dessert, but it’s not that intense, and that dessert is now 92% dark chocolate cacoa vs. some kind of keto sweet treat. That high level would have tasted so bitter to me even 5 months ago. Now after my latest 4 day fast, which I ended last night, the 4 squares of dark chocolate I had last night tasted neutral. It was really weird. It tasted almost waxy, and was neither sweet nor unsweet. Very strange, but every time I do an EF, my taste buds change. Also, my bulletproof coffee almost passes as a desert now because with the heavy whipping cream in it, makes it taste sweet now… but hwc has no sugar or sweeteners in it. So that has also changed. It’s hard for me to start an EF, but afterwards I do enjoy seeing how my taste buds have changed for doing it. :wink:

(Karen) #32

I agree. 90% dark chocolate was way too bitter, now it’s not. I find fruity herbal tea with HWC to be desserty.


(charlie3) #33

I make 24 ounces of coffee, let it cool, and refrigerate overnight. It goes in to a 30 oz stainless insulated mug (brand name Bubba at Walmart). I add 1/4 cup of whipping cream, 3 squirts of Stevia and plenty of ice. After lunch at work I can sip on that for half the afternoon. It’s dessert to me.

In about 4 months of keto I’ve had zero snacks and zero cheats.

(Stephanie ) #34

A snack cup of sugar free jello with whip cream!!! Yummy. I usually have one 2-3 times a week

(Vic) #35

My Wife made keto raspberry cheesecake brownies this weekend, This is the first time I have tried a keto dessert

The Tasted great IMO, However the serving size turned out to be bite size, I ended eating 3 to about half the size of a reg brownie to be satisfied Still I had no adverse effect

Although the recipe made a lot I ended eating them both sat and sun and freezing many

I cant see eating them all

I could see letting it get out of hand but I didn’t go that far with it

I may try something else in future But I need to cut the recipe and be prepared for the serving sizes to be smaller then expected


Quite often. Usually

  • Coconut ( either raw coconut meat or sun dried unsweetened coconut flakes). I have been eating a lot of this recently. Never seems to be able to kick me out of ketosis 🤷
  • Squares of 90% dark chocolate
  • Nuts (macadamia mainly) but I don’t eat this often.
  • Very rarely, keto treats I bake myself. Maybe once every 1 or 2 months. Usually simple 3 ingredient ones with no dairy.
  • Artificially sweetened tea/coffee ( is this a treat? :joy:). Again, very rarely. I often take it black.
  • I used to eat pork rinds quite a bit a while back…haven’t had this in months. Might start again.
  • Might have a diet soda once every 2 months or so.

Those are my main “treats”…I guess.