How often do you “cheat” if ever?

(Julie ) #21

Like many have said, I do not believe in “Cheats”. I do planned carb-ups. Usually after a half marathon. Or if I have a special event. Even then I watch what I am eating and only will let it go so far. Hence I tell the people at work no thank to the sweets. Even when one guy was asking about sugar cookies I told him only if it is low carb would I be interested.

(Laura) #22

Many of you have said it better than me. I object to the term ‘cheat’. That carries baggage from the HCLF diet days.

I consider LCHF to be a way of life, not a diet in the way we think about diets. If I choose to eat a piece of fruit or sweet potato or even white potato, it is not cheating to me. It is having a few more carbs than usual and then I am back to my normal amount the next day. I try to stay under 20 g of net carbs, but I know that I can do fine as long as I stay under 35 g. So, an occasional bite or two of something higher is part of life and to be expected. I will say that I am diligent about avoiding pasta, bread and anything with sugar added.


Probably have a cheat meal every 4-6 weeks. Thanksgiving was a big one and it hurt. Took me about 5 days to get back to where I was before. If you do it, just get right back on it the next meal.

(Tiarn) #25

Hey @decreebass, I am keen to hear if you have ever followed a high carb meal/day with a fat fast? Like you, I am keen to experiement to see if I can negate the bad meal/day and still lose weight. Cheers!

(the cheater) #26

Absolutely. It’s usually followed by a regular fast or a fat fast. Very rarely I’ll wake up the next day and just start eating keto right away (bacon & eggs, or whatever).

For instance, yesterday was my cheat day - it was a military ball and I didn’t want to be rude or answer any questions, so I just had what everyone else was having and had a few beers. Had my final bit of calories (an amazing piece of cake) at about 2000. It’s now almost 1400 and I haven’t had a thing (so… 18 hours so far?). I’m not even the least bit hungry and I may have a little something small this evening, but I also may not.

So yeah, I’m fairly flexible. I definitely feel better when I fast after a cheat day (or the day after I cheat, more appropriately stated). Fat fast is good, too; like just some coffee with HWC; nibble on some butter, or a couple spoonfulls of MCT oil; something to that effect.

(Tiarn) #27

@decreebass great, thanks a mil!

(Lazy, Dirty Keto 😝) #28

Well, in a depressed state yesterday I binged on Cheetos. My girlfriend had a screening mammogram last week. She got a call back yesterday for a diagnostic one. Found something in her right breast. “Architectural distortion” or something along those lines. I am a notorious worrier (hello, depression and anxiety!) So I went back to my old habit - eating to fill an emotional void :expressionless:

On the bright side, I got right back on the horse this morning. Had some MCT oil. Packed a Keto lunch for work, and planning to skip dinner (if I feel hungry, I’ll have some more MCT)

Anyways, her diagnostic mammogram / ultrasound is Wednesday. If you would keep her in your thoughts, I’d appreciate it :heart:

(Joanna Parszyk ) #29

I’m so sorry to hear about your situation.
I also have a tendency to worry a lot and then sabotage myself.
Keep strong for your loved one, l keep you two in my thoughts :heart:

As much as l do not like the word “cheats” l see it only as putting you away for your goals and dreams. The journey might take longer but make the best of it anyways.

(Bob M) #30

I know we have a whole tread discussing how fasting isn’t a cure for everything (anything?), but this is where I use fasting. I’d rather partake of at least part of a holiday meal, and fast in (if I can) and definitely fast out once I get the time to do so. Over time, I partake of less and less in a holiday extravaganza, but I do partake. Eggnog? Check. Some dessert? Check? Potatoes? Check. Bread? Check. Fast afterwards? Check.

(I came for the weight loss and stayed for my sanity... ) #31

whenever i weight the pros and the cons and decide that it is worth it. most often that might be once or twice a month if at all.
I find that making an informed and conscious choice is the most important part of it.

I might indulge if it’s something homemade, very special (for example something local when traveling) and something I really like and after that I just move on and go back to keto and fasting.

I try to think of the consequences (2 days of headaches, grumpiness and hormonal havoc) and decide if it is worth it. Also once I have MINDFULLY enjoyed the “cheat” I reevaluate if it was as good as i thought (often the memories make it seem nicer and tastier than it really is).
often it is a ‘no’ and I’ll remember that for future reference… there are soo many things I don’t like anymore and I decide not to eat them only because the “memories associated with the food” are good.
if it was really good,i am grateful that I let myself “off the hook” and “live a little” and go back to my new normal right after, free of guilt or shame …

(Mo Ait) #32

keto is keto ,if you are in a bad situation try to eat less as possible.g luck.