How much to eat - newbie

(H) #41

Thanks for this. This all makes sense. I am focusing on the other benefits for sure. I do really enjoy the WOE and definitely the best thing about it is that I don’t crave food as much as I used to, which is just great!

(H) #42

Thanks. I do wonder if my body is just sick to death of yet another diet… :joy: I was reading something the other day that said bodies actually benefit from being slightly overweight… so maybe I’ll cling to that :joy:


6 weeks is nothing. But keto doesn’t guarantees fat-loss even if someone is actually fat, did I wrote this here before…? Possibly. Extreme low-carb seems to help me but fat-loss, well that only happened once, -1kg and that’s it… It’s complicated, really. MAYBE you do something wrong but it’s not sure at all at this point. If you get benefits, I think that’s already great (keto alone didn’t really give me anything beyond fat adaptation but I don’t need keto to keep it as far as I can tell. but I ate more carbs than you, at your level even I get great benefits but my chosen food items matters a lot too, not just my macros), be patient but if you continue not losing for much longer, you probably need to change something…
The first months are special anyway. Your body gets used to being in ketosis, various changes are made… Maybe your body even feel a tiny stress, “omg, changes happened, what is it?” and does something not completely logical just looking your food intake? I don’t know but changes are happening for a while and it takes a longer time for many of us to lose even if we do it right. Especially with less to lose or as female etc.

(Marianne) #44

That’s me almost to a T - I’m 62, 5’7", started at 230 and am currently 160. My goal is 150. Keto is a miracle!!! Best! (Don’t want to hijack this thread.)

(Marianne) #45

Actually, I bet your body is thanking you for going keto! You are doing it a great service by adopting this WOE. You will see it and feel it as you continue.

(H) #46

I do feel that way at the moment which is why I’m determined to stick to it even though the weight didn’t immediately drop off like all the websites promise :joy: but after just a few weeks I can really feel the health benefits and it is actually (slowly) making me think that the weight isn’t everything… being healthy and feeling just better overall, which I definitely do already, is way more important!

(Butter Withaspoon) #47

Good progress! Feeling good is priceless. If your body later drops some fat as a side effect of getting metabolically healthy, then great, you have to buy new clothes! But just focus on the health- you’re on a good path