How can I want to become ketogenic again?

(Jack Bennett) #162

The vitamin C question is one that recurs all the time in the carnivore community. Fresh meat contains enough vitamin C to prevent deficiency and to reverse scurvy. (That is apparently not true of canned meat or the hardtack biscuits used to keep sailors fed - hence, scurvy.)

There may be other reasons to eat vegetables - diversify the diet, enjoyment, etc, but long-term carnivores appears to get “enough” vit-C for some definition of “enough”.

(Bunny) #163

I highly doubt ancestors were only eating muscle meats, that surely is not an ancestral diet or mostly muscle meats because it was probably not easily eaten unless cooked and went for the easier to chew internal organs, but if you think of muscle meats in terms of protomorphogens it is certainly going to affect or improve your skeletal muscle mass as long as your not depleting your calcium (phosphorus in your bones and teeth) faster than you are replacing it?

Vitamin C holds your skin collagen and connective tissues together but so does hyraluanic acid in organ meats which is better than vitamin C and what keeps you looking young and why your skin starts to sag as you age from dear gravity. Less sugar in the diet certainly helps! High sugar diets mimic Vitamin C. Carnivores are probably getting the real form of vitamin C not the analog?

But there is no possible way the ancestors were only eating meat long-term. No evidence.

There is evidence of drinking the animals blood, milk and eggs, insects/bugs, dirt but better raw for long sprints of not eating anything but once you cook food, your highly concentrating it and making it easier to digest, the less easier to digest the thinner you get? The more you cook your food the less you need of it because you are pre-digesting it (outside the body) and highly concentrating it.

They were not sitting around thinking or saying “I’m a carnivore dieter” they ate whatever was edible like scavengers.

Same can be said about vegetables/plants your better off drinking the water it’s boiled in or steaming it?

So what happens when you cook food or process it, you take away the ancient microbiome that you once had to produce the enzymes that breakdown the food your eating by cooking it?

The industrialized world of food pre-digests your food for you so when you try to eat/digest something raw, guess what? You can’t!


UPDATE: Thanks to encouragement from this forum and changing my mindset I’ve been able to get back on track. My teen daughter has even eagerly joined me. She is currently teaching herself how to track her food using an app and has joined our local recreation center to use their walking track, fitness center, and pool. So far she is going strong. Now that I got rid of my “I don’t care what happens” mentality I have been enjoying new recipes! Thanks again everyone!

(Rebecca ) #165

Good to hear! It’s even better to hear that your daughter has decided to better her health, too!!