How can I want to become ketogenic again?

(Bob M) #121

There are ONLY TWO RCTs on red meat and cancer. TWO. Why? Because vegans/vegetarians don’t want this actually tested. They know they would lose, as they have already. They would rather look at crappy epi garbage that “supports” their theories, or do studies in test tubes or whatever. They don’t want real results.

The WHI was 49,000 women. 8 years. 400+ MILLION dollars. The largest, most expensive, best RCT ever done. A failure of the low fat/lower red meat hypothesis.

(Hyperbole- best thing in the universe!) #122

You know what would be great? If we kept the carinwars to carnivore topics.

(Bob M) #123

It would be better if you used science instead of belief. You BELIEVE resistant starch is good. I do not, but my view is supported by science.



Zero-Carb Diets Can Induce Mucus Deficiency

I ate a high-vegetable but extremely low-carb diet from December 2005 to January 2008. At the time I thought I was getting about 300 carb calories a day, but I now consider this to have been a zero-carb diet, since I don’t believe carb calories are available from most vegetables


The above is from your link.
This is an opinion, isn’t it??? I went 0 carb with 0 vegetables. I had no issues and definitely wasn’t constipated as some claimed. I didn’t read this whole article because I’m not going to waste my time.
I’m not entirely sure what your goal is but from what you’ve commented throughout and linked it seems you like to stir up arguments. I’m not here for that. I’m here for encouragement. Please stop if that’s your goal. If you have something that will help myself and others in the same situation then by all means please contribute.

(Bunny) #125

Discussing my own experiences and concerns is not stirring any arguments my dear, that is your opinion I’m sure I could do the same and only describe what I think is your intent?

I focus on the science not other peoples personality conflicts.

You take from what’s being discussed and form your own opinion, if something contradicts your opinion or known research or experience then share it? Please fill us in and educate us more?


Well you come off as annoying.


Yes-haw!! :racehorse: Hoping to very soon!

(Bunny) #128

…and like wise I’m sure?


This is encouraging. Thank you for sharing that!

(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #130

I suggest the carnivore discussion is off topic to the original post which was a request for a discussion about “falling off the wagon” and getting back on.

At the OP’s request, please stay on topic.

(Liz Ellen) #131

I appreciate your comments, Bunny. I think it’s important that we not become dogmatic And insular in our thinking.

(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #132

LOL. To the most dogmatic person around here. She’s got the science down pat, the rest of us not so much.


Thank you. I’ve decided to no longer respond to her. It is obviously a complete waste of time and only incites her to post junk studies. (I realize this will also cause her to comment but then she can waste her own time.)

(Bunny) #134

Please explain to us how to differentiate junk studies?

”… For the scientist working towards that solution, though, there’s an extraordinary danger afoot. No matter how dispassionate we attempt to be, we cannot help but be colored by the biases of our preferred outcome, no matter how subtle or overt it is. If we perform our scientific inquiry with a view towards the results supporting the conclusion we desire, we run the risk of doing nothing but junk science, rather than sound science. …” …More

Expert opinions are always welcome?

Cherry picking your conclusions is something I would equate to “junky science“?


Hi Melzell,

I hope you are able to see this as I can see this thread has turned into something else now.

I am exactly where you are. I was totally gung-ho with keto for about a year and then found out I was pregnant with what turned out to be a carb baby. Meat made me so nauseated. I did what I had to do to get through it with full determination that I would get back on the wagon after birth. Then, my mom was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer and my dad is an alcoholic who is now showing serious signs of dementia and life is hard. And carbs are yummy. They feel good in the moment when other stuff feels bad.

Now I’m at the point where I feel swollen. Bending over and crossing my legs is hard. It’s been almost two years and I’m still in my maternity clothes. My mom is still here, thankfully. But, I know things are going to get harder. I want to care about my health, but I kind of don’t. I want to eat the yummy things because everything else is hard.

I’m trying to remind myself of why I got excited about keto to begin with. I lost weight eating yummy things. And then things got easier. I got clear headed, more energy. My allergies went away. I didn’t feel depressed in the winter. I started lifting weights and got excited about my muscles. I got to buy pretty new clothes. People asked me what I was doing and I got to talk about my new obsession.

So, my plan is to get excited again. I’m going to eat yummy things - bacon and cheese to get me through the keto flu. I’m going to treat myself with all the yummy keto food. Then, hopefully, I will feel motivated to kick things up a notch or two when the high energy and clear-headedness kicks. Intermittent fasting, weight lifting, etc. I’m giving myself until NYE. The plan is not to deprive myself because it just doesn’t work for me right now. Life is hard and I don’t want my diet to be hard too.

I am sending you good vibes and wishing you well!


Thanks to email I can easily weed through to the encouraging comments. :wink:…and yours is! What you said above :point_up_2:t3: Is exactly how I got to carnivore over the summer. It works. I can’t remember if it was Maria Emmerich’s suggestion or another keto expert but someone said “if you’re gonna cheat, cheat with keto”. My goal to return is the same. Not sure I’ll ever stay carnivore lifelong but I do believe I will practice it for short durations here and there as a sort of cleanse. I’m in my mid 40s and I totally felt like I was 25 again! I’m so sorry for all the trauma you’re enduring. I hope things turn out well. :heart:

(Retta Stephenson) #137

When I read what you are going through, I just wished I could give you a Hug. I soooooo understand. I love your plan to gently ease back into Keto. And I loved this, and want to feel it too: “my plan is to get excited again”.

Sending you big virtual HUGS!! :blossom::bacon::cherry_blossom::rainbow::rose:


(Paulene ) #138

Lol. I imagine that’s quite a motivator.

(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #139

You’d be surprised. When it means ‘giving up’ your comfort food du jour.

(Paulene ) #140

Me too! but it is such a cool (and accurate) ‘word’ I now use it as part of my (internal) food filtering language.