That definitely isn’t true for everyone… I prefer to eat butter alone or with my sponge cakes… I could eat very much of it that way I suppose (I never tried. once I ate 100g and that is actually way too much for me already). I don’t want it melted at all. Though I can put it into my egg milks but that’s a minimal amount as cream or milk works way better in it.
But it’s individual as almost everything food related, of course. I prefer butter alone or with little else (never with meat though) as I can enjoy the subtle lovely flavor the best that way. It is a somewhat luxury item, I don’t waste it as cooking fat!
(Can be good in baking though.) Lard is good enough for that! 
Higher protein and lower fat would work for my fat loss and others’ too, of course as that would mean very little calories… I would be super hungry and dissatisfied though (depends on what we call low and high… higher protein alone doesn’t help). Still, it’s an interesting experiment, I keep trying to do it but many years and I still fail… I can’t eat lean. But I know now that lots of lean pork and organs are the best if I want to eat little. Satiating and easy to eat much enough but easy to stop when I am not hungry anymore. I just need to avoid much dairy, some is fine even if it means a lot of sugar, it doesn’t make me hungry. It may make others though and anyway, it’s often very easy to overdo soft or liquid, creamy dairy items… (But many of us can overdo cheese too, no problem… Cheese is so good!)
I love and regularly consume cheese, milk, whipping cream, sour cream, quark, Greek yogurt (rarely, I can’t use it in moderation), butter and other dairy items. I love them all. Thankfully I realized they are a potential problem and learned to be happy with with small amounts and only a few kinds every day… My current amount is fine, I just need to stick to it.
Dairy is wonderful
But meat satiates me.
I do need dairy, I would quit in no time without the variety and other things they provide.
At this point I can’t even imagine life without milk and I spent quite several years without it… But I had all the plants back then.
Wait, I did almost-paleo (I never gave up green peas until years into keto when I still didn’t gave them up, they just pretty much disappeared) and I know we had 1-2 lactose free years… It’s like my egg-free year(s?), I have NO IDEA how I survived that. Because no meat, that was easy, I barely ever ate meat until a few years ago and had several fully vegetarian years, they were nice (at least as much as they could be with all the carbs. keto wasn’t enough for me). But no dairy or no eggs? Even one day is almost completely out of question (I could do one but why would I want that if I eat to begin with?).