"Game Changers" strikes back on Joe Rogan's podcast



It was a plot.


Reflections on the debunking of the debunking of the debunking.

Just give a thoughtful, mindful person some time outside of a fight to get us some more knowledge and understanding.

This whole intellectual duel taught me more than I had expected to learn.

Donā€™t rake the leaves on a windy day. (Franko Bear, 2020)

(Bunny) #23

Looking at the beginning of the thread up to this point.

I have difficulty envisioning any early prehistoric humans and so forth only eating one type of food by choice or instinct. If I lived in that time, I know I would just be eating to eat; every bug, plant, tree, fish, eggs small animals or anything I could find.

Or I could be living in prehistoric time and just barely missed being eaten by tyrannosaurus rex with my handy iPhone worrying about my carnivore or vegan social status and logging onto the Ketogenic forum telling everyone we only ate meat or plants?

(bulkbiker) #24

Tell that to the lionsā€¦ ?

(mole person) #25

I like the example of wolves even better as they match our omnivore nature but eat almost no plant matter despite this.


Thereā€™s an expression in lawyering that goes: ā€œIf the facts arenā€™t on your side, pound the law. If the law isnā€™t on your side, pound the facts. If neither are on your side, pound the table.ā€

(Jenna Ericson) #27

If leaves fall in a forest plot and nobody is there to hear them, do they make a sound?

(Susan) #28

Awesome Canadian musician --I have seen him live in concert, we sat in the front row, about 2 years ago, he is awesome.