Ferocious Fix February - Carnivore Challenge (Fit it In - Fit in It! ) Feb 2022


(Robin) #322

UTI’s are the worst! I haven’t gotten one in a couple years. (Knock on wood.) I never know I have one until it is full blown and severely painful. The meds usually help my pain in a day or so.

all I can send is sympathy! :cry:

(Judy Thompson) #323

I wouldn’t be able to tolerate anything with all those additives! I would know right away if it was “dirty” cheese.


My mom died last night at 1am. Got a call from hospital around 1:30am

So sad. I am just so sad. We were close and it is just a tough pill to swallow right now.

Will be off the thread a bit but I will be ok. Time for some emotional and mental adjusting here.

(Robin) #325

@Fangs All the love…


Oh Fangsy, I am so so sorry. There is no heartache like that. But, my dear friend, remember that your Mom left this life with the knowledge of how much you loved her and cared for her. All the time, effort, love and care you gave to her - those moments can never be taken or erased. Those are most precious- and remembering them will get you through the tough times.

Wishing I could hug you. Prayers going out to you and your family.

(Heather) #327

Karen, I’m so so sorry. I always loved reading your posts about when your mom would visit. You made her sound like such an awesome lady.

Praying for you.

And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. :heart:

Philippians 4:7

(Edith) #328

My husband’s father passed away yesterday, too. That he is no longer suffering is solace to us, especially my husband.

I hope you find something that can give you solace, as well. :hugs::heart:

(Daisy) #329

@Fangs and @VirginiaEdie so much love to you both

(Karen) #330

You’re in my prayers , sending you much love :purple_heart::pray::sleepy:

(Karen) #331

Thoughts and prayers are with you and your husband xx


I am so sorry, Fangs - and my thoughts are with you and your husband too, VE.

(Daisy) #333

meal one was steak bites, raw beef liver, and bone broth jello. Meal two was beef ribs. My father in law just passed away about 10 minutes ago. So I also may be quiet for awhile.

(Edith) #334

I think yesterday was a bad day in general. My son-in-law’s aunt passed away yesterday, too. She’d been battling cancer for many years and caught COVID. It was the COVID that got her, and she was vaccinated. Sigh.

(Robin) #335

Sorry, Virginia…sometimes it really is a blessing though, isn’t it?
And yet, their sudden absence is still shocking.
Sorry for your son-in-law also.


Oh, how awful. :frowning_face:

And I’m so sorry to hear about your father-in-law, Daisy.

(Edith) #337

Oh, yes. Definitely a blessing in my father-in-law’s situation.

@Ketodaisy, I’m sorry to hear you and your family are going through this as well. :hugs:

(Linda ) #338

Fangs, Virginia, ketodaisy, sending best wishes to all of you and your families. Such a sad day today for the forum…sending hugs to each one of you.

(Karen) #339

So sad to hear that. I will be keeping you all in my prayers this evening, sad times xxx


Hold strong. You are all strong. Testing times call for self care to be maintained to support the people around you. We can all lean on each other.

The night before last there was an amazing sunset here. The evening was hot, humid and still. There were no clouds. But a hazy smear had appeared, like we sometimes experience after a large bushfire nearby. Billie the Labrador had run off to the neighbours property sensing we weren’t going to the beach, and she went swimming in their dam. The neighbour came out and offered us an abundance of homegrown fruit being tomatoes and capsicum (peppers). Mrs. Bear loved them. The sky was kaleidoscopic with pinks against blues and striped with orange. I found out yesterday that the phenomenon was from the ash cloud from the Tongan sea volcano eruption travelling the skies of our planet.

Last night I had the last rib off the rack. Beef ribs are large. I think the laughing butcher has them for smokers. But I take them home and carve them further for oven baking. I had a plate of chicken wings on the side. They baked a bit quicker than the beef, so I had two courses. I really enjoyed the cartilaginous tissues around the bones. That’s what my body was asking for. Breakfast yesterday was at 2pm of 3 pasture fed chicken eggs and 2 rashers of hickory smoked middle bacon cooked in the tallow of last night’s beef ribs. People think I’m weird eating cooked breakfasts on hot summer afternoons. I think people are weird.

@SecondBreakfast I feel for you. I experienced a calcium oxalate kidney stone. They are spiky like an anteater stuck in the plumbing. I have never birthed a 9 pound baby, but I was one. The kidney stone was eventually blasted with lasers like in Star Wars and the bits were extracted while I was under general anaesthetic. I had kidney soreness for months after. The pain of the stone put me in ER, A 6ft 5 Viking curled up on the ground in pain. I was on morphine in hospital and synthetic opioids to ease the waves. It all felt very real and in the moment. It was the main reason to move from oxalate unaware keto to carnivore. If you are on antibiotics look for some good quality probiotics to have 2 hours after each antibiotic dose and for some time after the antibiotics course has finished.

Stay on plan. Remain ferocious. The waves will pass. Disasters risk transformation into beauty.

(Robin) #341

BEAUTIFUL. Not the kidney stone part. The ending sign off… nice,