Fell waaayyyyy off keto wagon, life update, gained 20 lb

(Hyperbole- best thing in the universe!) #21

Honestly, I’ve gained back 15 lb on keto. I know what the issues are, where I am being looser than I should be. But I still feel good. And I’m at a weight that actually gives me more shape. Just a squishier one than I want. Soft is nice. Squishy not so much.

Here is how I look at it. Without keto this year may have wrecked me. But with keto (and other support it would be indiscreet to discuss but inexcusable to forget) I’m fine. Just a little squishy. And I know what to do about that.

(Paulene ) #22

I’m in a similar space, Jill. Gained back 5kg of the 12kg I 'd lost. Started back on keto 2 weeks ago and already feel better.

My keto food preferences have changed though. Can’t do the rich foods that I was eating on keto 6 months ago. Much cleaner and lower fat this time around (dont worry - fats are still high)

(Jill F.) #23

I am kind of the same. I have been eating more chicken lately and struggling to eat enough fat. I amnusing Carb Manager and trying to hit my fat goals but some days not quite there. I am feeling much better too already, and have lost more size than pounds so far. Welcome back to us both!

(Jill F.) #24

Same! I kind of did like 25% keto and 75% crap over past 6 months so I feel super squishy! Like you said I know what to do about it and have started working towards getting the quarentine weight off.
Yesterday was depressing because I live in Texas and we had our 1st real cold spell and I had zero long pants that fit. I went to Walmart with yoga pants on and bought a couple of pairs of long pants that will fit me now and hopefully be too big soon.

(Roberta Worley) #25

@MommyJill2005 I like chicken too. I’ve kind of come to the conclusion that adding cheese, avocado or both help to fill the fat factor. Keeping the skin on seems to help me.

This week, my endeavor is to make pizza. My crust is going to come from a recipe I found on RuledMe.com. It’s called https://www.ruled.me/cheddar-and-green-onion-keto-biscuits/

I was trying to think of toppings I could put on it. From the past, our fave has been chicken, ground beef, pineapple, black olives and green onion. We’ll be skipping the pineapple, of course, but I think it will still be nummy!

(Eleanor ) #27

I started two weeks ago having avacado smoothies mixed with either blueberry or strawberries plus whey protein and almond milk. I’m down to 222 from 246. I have one everyday. I then have a keto dinner. Seems to be helping.