Fat Adapting and Maintenance

(Sally ) #1

New here… not to keto but to the forum. Short story - was pre-diabetic @170+ lbs… said don’t think so… found keto @ 1st of May (2017) and by Oct. A1C was in normal range and lost 40+ lbs. Pee strips said deep ketosis often.

I consider myself in maintenance now @130Lb and 5’7" - I really don’t need to loose more.

Questions are:

  1. After loosing weight, body seemed to know it was time to stop. Pee strips don’t show ketosis at all so I bought a Moto blood monitor. I have not been able to get a reading higher than .7. Does being fat adapted mean ketosis is now the ‘normal’ state and can’t be measured??
  2. I just feel like I slipped into low carb somehow. Only thing I really do different now is that I don’t IF regularly. And while loosing weight, I didn’t eat ANYTHING processed or artificial or substitutes. Now… I have added some sweets to my diet – stevia based, monk fruit… homemade desserts. I still stay away from artificial but I find myself eating a energy bar (low carb) now and then. Is this working against me??
  3. I understand (and hopefully correctly) that there is an individual ceiling (number of carbs) that can’t be breached or you will be thrown out of ketosis. So one would tend to increase their carb intake a bit to find where that ceiling is. How can that be done without a way to measure?

Where am I wrong? Thanks in advance for your help.

(Karen) #2

Not there yet, but here’s a resource