Fallen off the wagon :(

(Rob) #21

No problem. We’re in the same timezone, so should feel the same hunger pangs etc at the same time of day and can keep each other going. Let me know when you’re ready to go and we’ll do it together.

(Leon C) #22

GO GO GO! @MmmBacon

(Rob) #23

I’m fasting at the moment, but will break it at around 8:30pm tonight after my workout and then go again for another 24h or so. Belly pork, Broccoli & fried Halloumi on the menu tonight :slight_smile:

(Ethan) #24

No worries. The macros certainly play a role, but if you eat no carbs, you should get into ketosis quickly, and if you eat nothing, its really quick for sure. I do two 5-day fasts per month and mix in random 2-day fasts, intermittent fasts, fat fasts, and fat fasts as OMAD. With that kind of regimen, if I mess up and lose ketosis, I get it back very quickly. Today I am on an OMAD fat fast. Breakfast was an egg-white-free (7 yolks) omelette with heavy whipping cream and coconut oil powder. It was filled with full-fat cream cheese and cooked in ghee. I also had heavy whipping cream with coconut oil powder as a latte I made.

(Leon C) #25

Sounds beautiful! Do you struggle with the 5-day-fasts? I think I’d be scared to do that - even though I know it wouldn’t be an issue to my health. I’ve done 24 hour fasts many times, but at the time, I couldn’t imagine going another 24 hours on top of that. What’s the secret/trick to going past 24 hours?

(Ethan) #26

No. I’ve gone 7 days once and will do 7 days in March and May. The first day usually flies by pretty fast without even feeling hungry. Hours 36-48 are the toughest in that I still have the urge to eat and know I won’t for a while. Horus 48-72 are slightly better, and if I exercise, I usually have zero desire to eat afterwards. I usually do a weightlifting session at hour 72. Hours 72-96 are much easier, since I know I will be eating sooner rather than later. I usually do a long cardio session at hour 96. Hours 96-108 are easy, but 108-120 are very hard again, since I have been planning what I will eat for a few days! I try to mix in cardio workouts throughout also.

(Leon C) #27

Man, I’m feeling good! I’ve now fasted for 26 hours and in that time, have ran 15KM today and am already turning the Ketostix strips purple!

I’ve decided to try and sleep and aim for a 36 hour fast - bacon and eggs for breakfast would be well deserved.

Thank you all for your kind words, reassurances and positive, mental attitudes.
