Electrolytes: How long ...forever?

(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #41

Why? If you experience no symptoms of deficiency there is no need to supplement. Until you start to exhibit some actual symptoms my bet is you’re getting all you need from food. You are not other people.

(Susan) #42

Oh okay, great! I thought since everyone keeps mentioning the importance of it, that I should be taking some!

Thanks =)

(Full Metal KETO AF) #43

@Momof5 and @Jennibc I liked the idea someone put forward with a capsule filling tray for taking something that you want to not taste. They’re quite inexpensive. But a 00 capsule although large still doesn’t hold much. :cowboy_hat_face:

(Susan) #44

Oh nice, I wonder where you even buy those. I found for the ACV switching to capsules worked for me. I eat canned Smoked Oysters, canned tuna, canned salmon so maybe they are what is getting me the sodium I need? I looked up the symptoms of sodium deficiency and I don’t have them, except my occassional leg cramps.

(Full Metal KETO AF) #45

@Momof5 Natasha posted it above. :cowboy_hat_face:

(Jennibc) #46

I actually ordered some of those from Amazon this morning after trying to chug it and despite holding my nose could still taste the salt. I got these. They appear to be the biggest. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01I5TPU02/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

(Bunny) #47

My take on this:

The reason some people need to load up on potassium others don’t is because they are missing the other nutrients in nature that work with it, that’s why they have to keep replenishing it until they become fat adapted (27 weeks) and metabolism returns to normal. Another example is Apple Cider Vinegar ACV helps the body hold onto potassium.

The big three: Sodium Potassium Magnesium


[1] ”…Wheatgrass is a source of potassium , dietary fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E (alpha tocopherol), vitamin K, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, pantothenic acid, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, and selenium. Wheatgrass is also a source of protein (less than one gram per 28 grams). …” …More

Wheat grass powder is what I use! All even ratios of nutrients that occur in nature that are perfect for the human body! No playing games with highly concentrated pills? Works great if your not eating veggies and other sources all the time!

[2] “…Magnesium helps maintain the potassium in the cells, but the sodium and potassium balance is as finely tuned as those of calcium and phosphorus or calcium and magnesium. Research has found that a high-sodium diet with low potassium intake influences vascular volume and tends to elevate the blood pressure. …” …More

[3] 5 Foods High in Potassium that Aren’t Bananas - Thomas DeLauer



Well, our bodies are mostly water and function like batteries in their need for charging - salt is fundamental for life and hydration (it binds water and helps carry it into cells).

If you have an aversion for real salt, it may help to view it as a possible functional health issue. Do you have an industrial palate that has been conditioned to sodium mixed with sugar (MSG) and other additives (sodium phosphate for example is in most sodas)? Or have you been on certain medications that affect your palate? Some people who’ve been heavy soda drinkers have palate issues. Smokers do too, but in the other direction, requiring excess sodium to even taste it.

The taste of plain real salt may indeed seem strange/lacking sweetness until enough real foods have been eaten for enough time. It’s a palate retraining thing that can take time, so until your palate has changed, sneaking salt may do the trick. Either through tablets, or through swallowing 1/2 tsp doses hidden in avocado chunks! Also, experimenting more with spices & herbs, whose flavors require less added obvious salt and can make added salt more subtle to your palate.

Sodium is required by all life to exist, it is naturally found in all real foods - but to get the amounts needed to thrive in LCHF/keto (3-5g sodium) without using real salt in your day involves either eating lots of seafood (seaweed too) or other salt-dense foods (like jerky, bacon, pickles). Dr. Phinney recommends getting easy salt through using 2 bouillon/stock cubes per day - they make tasty mugs of broth (but cubes w/o chemical additives can be harder to find - I buy Kallo brand on Amazon).

Paleoanthropology indicates that ancestral peoples frequently lived within range of the ocean. Those who lived inland away from the sea treasured salt, knew where to find it in salt deposits, and also traded for it. They often salted meats, and also used salt to ferment veggies and meats. Because electrolytic energy feels great - and helps maintain a steady state.

(Susan) #49

I have never been a big pop drinker, like ever… always drank more water then anything else.

I have never been a smoker either, so I am not sure why I have never liked salt.

Tonight, at Costco I bought a 365 tablet bottle of “Formula Senior Woman” which says it is “A multivitamin, mineral supplement and antioxidant for the maintenance of good health.” The directions are to take one a day. I bought the Men’s version of it for my hubby too, and so now we will be taking these for a year, and hopefully they give us whatever we may be missing =).

I also will continue taking my Apple Cider Vinegar tablets daily =).

(Natalie Matured) #50

Slow mag is the one that dr. Phinney suggests. You can get it from Walmart.

(traci simpson) #51

Something weird happened yesterday. I had a good lunch; was feeling a bit sluggish which I attributed to the birthday cupcake I had on Wednesday. I came home and took a nice long 5 mile walk. Got back to the house and drank a big cup of water with a little salt because I felt the slightest bit light headed. Did some light chores, took a shower and made some pique tea with a some trace mineral drops and vinegar. Felt dizzy so I was just relaxing and it got worse so I tried to lay down and the room starts spinning! Sat back up and felt like I was going to pass out so I had a few mac nuts and two pieces of bacon. Tried to lay back down - NOPE. I propped myself up on pillows and just relaxed and started to fall asleep so around 830 I went upstairs to bed (adjustable bed) so I didn’t lay flat and I was fine! weird and my bp has been running high upon waking. Like in the 130/85-90 category. It’s usually in the 118/120’s over 76-85.


Traci, that’s no good. I hope you are feeling better today.

One thing to consider is vertigo.

Do you have any tinnitus (ringing in the ears)?


Low blood pressure usually create the dizzy, fainting feeling. Whereas what you describe with the spinning room is more likely associated with neck or inner ear (balance sensation in the vestibular apparatus).

Hypoglycemia, low blood sugar, can also have similar symptoms. But the room spinning is not typical.

Check with your keto-friendly doctor. If you have the capacity and accessibility, it is worth getting some blood tests done to look for variations to any baselines you may have from previous tests.

My experience of vertigo is similar to what you describe. My blood tests came back with no clues, so the information was good. It’s always good to rule out an immune system response, like a viral infection response.

The current medical treatment that I started on that was partially helpful was valium 2mg once a day. It’s interesting to note that valium is used in seizure disorders.

The symptoms resolved after I went to see an experienced physiotherapist who was good with neck manipulations. I shy away from chiropractors for neck spine. They are good with lower back. It may have been coincidental that the symptoms fully resolved the day after seeing the physio.

The total experience was over the course of about 5 days.

(traci simpson) #53

No inner ear symptoms. Like I mentioned, I wasn’t feeling “myself” Tuesday and Wednesday so maybe I’m coming down with something? I have an apt on the 21st with an endocrinologist referred by my hematologist so we’ll see.


Good to get checked out. The room spinning is an inner ear symptom. But it’s good if you don’t have concurrent tinnitus or ear ache.

You might be incubating a virus, like a cold. Because there could be a number of causes, it’s good to get a few (more) knowledgeable people to work through it with you.

There is a bell ringing in my head. Not just the tinnitus. The sense of not feeling yourself, is a common precedent to a migraine episode. It’s just another consideration to rule out.