Electrolyte drink mix and tattoo questions

(karen) #21

It has magnesium and potassium, good, but really no sodium. You could obviously throw a little table salt in there but that might make it taste horrible.

(karen) #22

all sounds good to me!

(Diane) #23

Yeah, depending on my finances, I buy coconut oil (whole food product and the cheapest. ), MCT oil (a product manufactured using coconut and/or palm oils usually containing just C8 & C10 medium chain fatty acids in varying proportions) or Brain Octane (containing just C8 MCTs and the most expensive).

Many people swear by the benefits of using the whole food version in coconut oil.

(Diane) #24

I love green olives as a snack.

(Brandi ) #25

I use Elete electrolyte drops in ALL my water. I get it from Amazon and it is extremely affordable and has zero taste (unless you go overboard on the amount and then it just tastes salty). They have a very small dropper bottle that is 5 or 6 bucks that I keep in my purse and then I buy the big bottle (maybe 15 bucks) to refill the small one with and to use at home. My husband and I both use it and it lasts us several months. Highly recommend it!

(Jessica Lavoy) #26

Going to go check this out now thank you


We sell that where I work. Try to get a small sample pack or individual pack first of you can. I thought it tasted pretty terrible and I’d hate to have bought $20 on it.

(Jessica Lavoy) #28

Are you talking about the elete drops? Sorry I have a hard time following how this forum works lol


No the vega sport. I think I screwed up my reply.

(Irene ) #30

My husband and I use and love MIO sport electrolytes. You can get these on amazon for about $6-$7 I carry one in my purse always and love that they are concitrated and small enough to take on a plane when traveling.
I never really thought about my blood sugars spiking while I’m getting my tattoos but I’ll be following this for advice and check my sugars after my next tattoo!

(Jessica Lavoy) #31

I was told not to use that one because the sweeteners that they put in it for flavoring cause glycemic index to spike and can throw you out of ketosis, I’m only trying to say what the other person told me if I’m saying it right, I have a bad memory and I’m brand-new to all this LOL but I do remember they said that one was bad?

(Jessica Lavoy) #32

Ohhhhhh yeah I saw the reviews that said it tasted crappy. I’m not so concerned about the taste as much as the price and if it will help. everything else seems to be so expensive :confused:

(Irene ) #33

I’ve been drinking MiO all day and just tested my sugars and keto 2 hours after I ate and i was still in ketosis…my bg was 80 …not sure why someone would say that…but I will try again tomorrow and do some research …I’m a newbie but been on a journey to reverse diabetes for 6 years now (metefomin free for 2 years and keto for 3 weeks) I’ve just learned to listen to my body more than people (unless I see the facts of course) because although they do mean well, they don’t know my body like I do.

(Raj Seth) #34

Just suck on salt granules and you’ll be fine. $3 salt grinder will last you a month

(Canadian Beauty) #35

I have no idea why you need sugar to get a tattoo. I guess because you were diabetic he didn’t want you to go without food??? There is no reason why you should need sugar at all to get a tattoo, I have many and have never taken anything; weird!

(Jessica Lavoy) #36

Sorry I’m finding it strange that so many people are finding this strange lol you can look on Google. It’s not just me, it’s a thing. people get low blood sugar when they get tattoos occasionally and pass out. I have never gotten low blood sugar on a tattoo and I have never passed out it’s just a precaution that many tattoo artist will take to ensure the safety of their clients. if I could figure out how to delete this post I would but I still am new to this form and I can’t figure it out lol

(Doug) #37

Jessica, don’t worry about asking questions. :slightly_smiling_face:

As to getting tattoos and “getting low blood sugar” because of it, I don’t think that actually happens. If one has low blood sugar to begin with, then that may increase the chance of fainting while being tattooed - mostly it’s due to us having certain triggers, like “needles” or “the sight of blood.” It causes our blood vessels to dilate, and down goes our blood pressure. Especially if we’re upright at the time, this can cause us to faint, since less blood is flowing to the brain.

(Jessica Lavoy) #38

That makes complete sense, I’ve never actually experienced it myself. I do have anxiety disorder so I know sometimes in social settings I get that woozy dizzy
feeling but I have never passed out during a tattoo luckily

(Doug) #39

Needles - I passed out once, waiting in line to get a blood sample drawn. My employer tested us once a year, and we all went at the same time. The thought of needles - specifically them going into veins and arteries - has always made me queasy.

I’m getting closer and closer to where the medical people were drawing the blood, and my vision started “graying out” - it was like I was seeing through an enormous checkerboard, a grid with a couple thousand little squares in it, and some of the squares started turning to solid gray, rather than me seeing through them. Thought I could resist it long enough; nope - down I went; lucky the person behind me grabbed me under the arms or I was headed for smashing my teeth into the edge of a table.

(Jessica Lavoy) #40

I’m so sorry that is terrible :frowning: don’t feel bad about it though I know it is extremely common for a lot of people to have that kind of reaction. I’m the complete opposite though blood draws don’t even phase me (unless that’s my kids having to get them done then I cry a lot) on myself needles don’t bother me I have a ton of piercings tattoos all that kind of stuff is no issue for me luckily.