Coconut oil, cracked skin & allergies?


maybe you should try the other manufacturer of coconut oil or if is won’t work, try any other oil. for example, grape seed oil and castor oil, and olive oil. I can share with you my iherb discount code, I buy oils for me online.
also, if your skin is dry, you need vitamins A and E.

(Rosemary Easter) #22

That is really interesting. I have been rubbing coconut oil in my legs as they are extremely dry and have not found any difference however, I had a bad cat bite last week on my thumb, and last couple of day rubbed in the oil whilst doing my legs and it has suddenly become soft and knitting together nicely - was half inch long and quite deep.

(Bunny) #23

Published on Apr 18, 2017 Flax Seeds & Dry Scaly Rough Skin

Dr. Berg talks about flax seeds and alpha-linolenic acid. If you are deficient in this essential fatty acid, you could experience:
1. Dry scaly rough skin
2. Brittle hair
3. Hot flashes or hot flushes if you are from a non-US country
4. Cracking skin
5. Little bumps on the back of your arm, thighs or butt.
6. Cardiovascular problems
7. Raised bad cholesterol (LDL)


  1. Is Coconut Oil Good for Dry, Scaly and Itchy Skin? When it comes to dry, flakey skin, animal-based omega-3 fat, such as krill oil, can play an important role. It’s one of the best ways to hydrate your skin from the inside out, besides drinking plenty of clean, pure water. The health and quality of your skin is strongly linked to the health of your gut. Fermented vegetables are ideal for promoting the growth of beneficial intestinal bacteria …More
  1. Note: [1:1] ratios Leafy Greens-to-MCT Oils (extra virgin) …stay way from heat treated or heavily processed (stepped on) MCT’s (medium chained triglycerides) and also [1:1] ratios Omega-6-to-Omega 3 <==(exposure to light {pills, liquid etc.} and freshness {fish market etc.} is key when it comes to 3’s)
  1. The MOST Common Cause of a B12 Deficiency
  1. Understanding Probiotics and Friendly Microbes
  1. Intestinal Damage & Vitamin Deficiencies
  1. What’s Really Behind Leaky Gut
  1. Are Sprouted Grains Really Healthy?
  1. Sprouted Flax Seeds vs. Flax Seeds
  1. How to Fix Your Gut Bacteria for Weight Loss: Prebiotics and Probiotics- Thomas DeLauer
  1. The Missing Nutrient in Hair, Nails and Skin

(GINA ) #24

Coconut oil does that to my hands too.

I buy a bottle of vitamin e oil from Trader Joe’s and use that, then put lotion over the top of the oil.

(Jan) #25

Interesting. I only had issues where I came into contact with coconut oil. My skin everywhere else is awesome, haven’t needed moisturizer anywhere since I started Keto, hair is not only strong & shiny but my huge gray streak is gone, my little bumps have all disappeared, etc. It’s only when I rub in coconut oil that my skin cracks and bleeds.

(Bunny) #26

That’s interesting, could be a transdermal sensitivity to the properties or compounds in the coconut oil or maybe additives if any?