Cheese free week starting Monday

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #3

I can understand that. But mine is bacon. :bacon::bacon::bacon::bacon:

(Peggy Saar) #4

Yep! I’ll join you. Been keto for 6 weeks. Have lost inches but only 3 pounds. I’ve been wondering if dairy could be culprit. I’ll still do heavy cream in coffee but cut out everything else. OK. .I’ll admit it I’m stalling at 160# I’ll report any changes next week. Thanks for the great idea!

(Karen) #5

Went to the natural grocery and bought Vanilla coconut cream non-dairy creamer. I’m already for Monday. I can skip the slice of cheese in my sandwich and double the meat


Any Aussies looking for a non dairy yoghurt replacement, Aldi sells an unsweetened coconut yoghurt that’s really good.

(Karen) #7

Monday- coffee w my coconut vanilla creamer. I don’t love it, but the goal is dairy free. Off to the doctors, because my dissolvable internal stitches aren’t. I expect they’ll open it up. Aaaasaagh
I’ll buy lunch before I get to work. Dairy free of course

(MelissaH) #8

You ladies should join us over at the dairy free March thread :wink:

(Karen) #9

Thanks! I will! Sorry didn’t know that was out there. Wasn’t planning on doing a whole month. I’m a little afraid that I’ll lose the enzymes to digest dairy. Have you heard of that. I have Anecdotally

(MelissaH) #10

Oh I have experienced it for sure! I asked about it over on the dairy free thread. I couldn’t find anything explaining why this happens? I’ve been mostly dairy free since Feb 1st. A few slip up with blue cheese and sour cream. The sour cream had me doubled over in pain😩 @Keto6468 not good Karen not good lol

(Karen) #11

@Monurse Could you digest dairy before your dairy free month?

(Janette Fowler) #12

Very interested to see the results. I’ve just started dairy free after a couple of months clotted cream binge with weight gain and higher blood sugars. Also noticed my cravings coming back and not feeling satisfied after having more than enough, plus blocked sinus.

(MelissaH) #13

Sorry i didn’t get the notification for this @Keto6468!! I could digest it but it made me feel sluggish and I feel like my cravings for snacky foods were higher.

(Bunny) #14

I think your confusing whey protein with natural cheese? :cheese:

Can barely find any anti-cheese research (weight loss or gain?) other than fermenting, thermal conditions of milk and manufacturing.

Raw milk is way better for you if it is free of pathogens?

I highly doubt cutting cheese (other than the individually wrapped slices or highly processed cheese…lol) intake has any connection to stalling plateaus, weight loss or gain on a ketogenic diet?

Besides where are you going to get your saturated fats if not enough from meat?


[1] The holy dairy cow and the milk we drink

[2] “…The mechanism proposed by the authors is based on the assumption that fermented dairy products (which showed the opposite effects compared to non-fermented milk) is free of galactose. For (semi) hard cheeses, there is a somewhat lower galactose intake, due to the washing of the curd during production, but also cheese is not generally free from galactose. But overall, the galactose intake from fermented dairy (which in the paper focuses on soured milk and yoghurt) is equal to the galactose intake from regular dairy, therefore making this proposed mechanism highly unlikely. …” …More

[3] The two-time Olympic gold medalist reveals why she uses this dairy product as a recovery tool. Here’s the Surprising Reason Lindsey Vonn Spreads Cheese on Her Injuries

[4] What the Dairy Industry Doesn’t Want You to Know - Neal Barnard MD - FULL TALK (Warning: mostly vegan propaganda)

[5] Effects of dairy intake on body weight and fat: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials: Conclusions: This meta-analysis does not support the beneficial effect of increasing dairy consumption on body weight and fat loss in long-term studies or studies without energy restriction. However, dairy products may have modest benefits in facilitating weight loss in short-term or energy-restricted RCTs.

(MelissaH) #15

Personally a lot of my saturated fat comes from coconut products. Cacao butter, and canned coconut milk go in my daily morning coffee. I don’t eat a lot dairy for hormonal issues mainly. Plus, I’ve found I just feel better without copious amounts of cheese and cream with every meal.

(Dina sha) #16

when i drink milk even if one tablespoon i gain one kilo the next day
so i stopped all diary

(Splotchy) #17

Wouldn’t you be better dropping the bread bit of your sandwich, rather than the cheese?

(MelissaH) #18

Keto bread for the win :wink:

(Karen) #19

Two more days. So far I’m saying nothing at all by way of weight lost

(Empress of the Unexpected) #20

I only made it ten days, but did lose a bit due to the lack of calories from the cheese. Dairy products were/are half my daily caloric intake.

(Karen) #21

Ala Wallace and Gromit :bread::bread::bread::pizza::pizza:

(Karen) #22

OK, my cheese free week didn’t show weight loss, better feeling joints, improvements in skin or anything else. I was hoping for more but I’m thinking cheese is not my issue.