
(Susanna) #21

Thanks, Karen. I checked it out and you are right. More appropriate. Thanks, S

(Susanna) #22

The participants who dropped out did so because they found the diet too hard which is underrstandable given that they are also dealing with cancer. I barely made it through the keto flu phase (which lasted about 2 months for me) which was brutal given everything else. My keto diet was followed down to grams details by medical staff. In fact at first, hospital made my food (which was as you can imagine). Anyway someone helpfully suggested I follow a keto cancer forum and she was of course right.


Good for you for sticking it out!

I have three close friends/family with cancer and one with dementia whom I encourage to try keto ā€“ but you are right, for many people, this is a confusing and difficult change in already stressful lives. I feel fortunate that for me, it was very easy. (I also cannot eat wheat, so maybe that made it easier for me to avoid temptation.)

And cooking those keto treats absolutely helps!! I made tiramisu muffins last night that were soooo good.

Hope you find the support you need here, this really is a great forum full of good people.

(Meeping up the Science!) #24

In order to get diagnosed with Celiac, they have to do an endoscopy, and so you have to eat gluten for a few weeks before. They only diagnose it if thereā€™s visible intestinal damage, so thatā€™s actually standard. Even though all my antibody tests for gluten and wheat are sky high, thatā€™s still the technical way to diagnose it.

I wound up getting one for unrelated reasons, and I still got my diagnosis just from trace gluten.

(Meeping up the Science!) #25

I understand, as I have worked with some folks in your position. My problem isnā€™t with you but with the staff. If staff is telling people to cheat, weā€™ve found that it makes an already hard situation all the more difficult. Itā€™s a hard situation all around. I mean, Iā€™ve helped little kids with epilepsy and other neurological disorders stick to the diet, as well as a few cancer patients, too. Most of the studies Iā€™ve seen provide behavioral support for exactly that reason (my job).

The good news, is that itā€™s both good for curing cancer, as well as neurological trouble. It helps tremendously with everything brain-related. Good luck with your recovery, Susanna :slight_smile: