Cheat meals

(Delbert Carr) #21

I do believe it is very much addiction for me. I do find restricting reduces anxiety and binge eating

(KM) #22

And a little mindfulness goes a long way. There’s a difference between a couple of crab cakes made with some breadcrumbs and diving head first into the chocolate fountain with a strawberry in your mouth.


Targetted Keto, Cyclical Keto.

Targeted Keto is carbs pre/post workout to use them for the glycolytic energy and get the good out of them without them spilling over and becoming a problem.

Clclical Keto is a 1-2x a week carb up to keep muscle glycogen topped off.

I do a hybrid of the both as I lift pretty seriously and lost a ton of muscle after years of standard keto.

(Delbert Carr) #24

Could you recommend a good person or site to follow for this protocol? I also lift a lot and am interested


Nothing’s official with it as we’re all different. For TKD you usually go with around 20g of Dextrose right before a workout, buy the end it’s burned off and you start working back towards ketosis. If you do either a lot of glycolytic work, or lifting for long sets it comes in handy. Some will also do the same post workout as the insulin spike drives nutrients in better so your post workout shake or other post nutrition works a little more for you.

CKD is where you have to play with stiff a little. How many carbs you can take really comes down to muscle mass. If depleteled, I can take 200-300g and still not totally load the tanks, but it’s enough to get back muscle fullness and that glycogen is your muscles energy source when lifting. The goal is to keep your muscle glycogen at topped off as possible without it spilling over, when it does you can either burn it right then as a fuel source, or store it as fat.

Our livers don’t hold much glycogen, but it’s going to load first, then the muscles start getting theres. Our livers in most cases can hold about a day’s worth, then you’re back in ketosis, but your activity levels greatly effect that. Have a full liver load but not eating carbs, it won’t even make it day, then you’re back. Most people load 1-2x a week assuming they’re real active and lifting. For people that are only doing cardio or something, I wouldn’t recommend CKD.


I am not encouraging cheating but I have found that over the years I have gotten better at cheating. What I mean by that is it used to be that if I went out to dinner or had a really bad day and cheated, it lasted several days. I would start having last harahs all over the place. I would often not go back until I had pizza at my local place. Sometimes I would have pizza more than once!

In the last year or so I have not found that to be the case. I will have a cheat meal and the next day go back to low carb. Sometimes I would even fast. I find that although it stalls my weight loss, I am no longer gaining weight when I cheat (and I still have 50 lbs to lose).

As for needing to have carbs to lift, weren’t there all those Phinney and Volek studies on keto athletes doing just as well or better as carb loading athletes?