Carb allowance


I ask my Dr about potassium because of leg cramps, she told me no potassium supplements, it can cause heart issues.


I hope it lowers mineā€¦


I have coffee and heavy cream a couple times a day. I really enjoy it. Should I add something else to my coffee. Thanks

(Katie) #24

Her eis a great 4-part resource. KetoConnect is one of the top resources for keto. They are practical and helpful. Their blog, , has great recipes. Keep it simple though: meat, non-starchy vegetables, and fat to adapt. :blush:

(Roy D) #25

Try bulletproof coffee.

1 Tbsp unsalted butter
1 Tbsp MCT oil

Blend in a mixer.
Plenty of videos on YouTube on examples of how to make.

The body is able to process the MCT oil quickly, quickly giving energy/satiety. The butter is processed more slowly giving long duration energy/satiety.

Any butter is OK, butters from grass feed cows such as Kerry Gold are better. (These are higher in Omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin K2.)

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #26

Sorry youā€™re struggling like this, buddy! Itā€™s all your parentsā€™ fault, for not giving you the genes for familial hypercholesterolemia! :rofl::grinning:

(Raj Seth) #27

Being not native english speakers, they got the hyperā€¦emia part, but cholesrol become insulin
so I won the hormonal lottery with Hyperinsulinemia and a vegetarian upbringing!!

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #28

Well, at least youā€™ve managed to fix all that. You were looking good at Ketofest! Despite your pitiful cholesterol level, lol! : :bacon: