CAD (Coronary Artery Disease)


I have put this in here because there wasn’t a clicky in the Health section under “Heart”

My dad had a heart attack at 42, this was mostly down to his bad eating habits. He never drank or smoked his whole life. He was kinda stressed at the time for a few years running his own business. But after he had a few stints put in he made a full recovery and was able to walk up mountains (completing the 3 Peaks challenge in the UK)

Anyhow, as Heart attacks are a thing in our family I started doing some exercise myself when I was 39 (now 47). Generally done P90X and cycling, and lately moved into a gym to lift some weights.

As I am now trying this Keto diet (4 weeks in) I have started reading up on Heart disease etc.

One thing I see mostly is that It can certainly be slowed down, and can be reduced if strict with diet and exercise / yoga etc.

The main thing I see jump out at me in all these reports is that a Plant based diet is the biggest factor & LOW FAT is the other factor.

How does this sit with you guys that have been long term Keto advocates?

I still struggle with the whole Idea of eating loads of Bacon, eggs, red meats, high salt intake. etc This is what I have been indoctrinated with over my lifetime (even more so when my dad had his heart attack)

Anyhow I will link one of the reports i read below. I look forward to some of you guys that know more about keto’s answers

(Alec) #2

Alas that report is behind a paywall.

If you are concerned, have you had a CAC scan done?

(Eric - The patient needs to be patient!) #3

Watch Ivor Cummings videos (search you tube) and see his podcasts

Get a CAC scan. Ivor will explain the causative factors.

(Carl Keller) #4

Coronary heart disease is caused by inflammation and one of the first things that I noticed when I went LCHF was that my chronic inflammation vanished. How can I possibly argue with the idea that I feel 20 years younger simply by avoiding sugar and starch? Clearly, those two things were the source of my inflammation and misery.

For decades medical establishments have convinced us to eat low fat, higher carb diets. How has that worked for our health? Here’s a hint, we have record numbers of obesity, diabetes and dementia. Yet, as a cardiologist, that’s the party line I am supposed to support. Dr. Bret Scher

(Full Metal KETO AF) #5

In spite of the dated dogma of the medical community in general concerning LFHC the opposite of it seems to heal clogged artery issues and reverse coronary disease. Some doctors are catching up but many stick to their old guns out of safety. Recommending something against established ideas can get people in trouble in the medical profession and so things are very slow to change even when new ideas are working better. My own circulatory health has improved. :cowboy_hat_face:

(Jeff Gilbertson) #6

If it’s from Harvard Health, you can most likely just ignore it.


It’s not just them that says the same thing. It’s almost every single google search I do. Just like the Medical profession, I too struggle with eating so much read meat and Bacon etc. I understand there are new ways of thinking and eating. I enjoyed watching the YouTube of the guy that was suggested above. Has anyone elsse got any good links to some “actual” medical evidence? Now that is the kind of things I like to see and read about, for my own peace of mind, that I am not damaging my heart even more by eating such a high fat and meat diet. My bloodline seems to be susceptible to Heart attacks, where as my wife’s family are cancer sufferers.

BTW, I also recognise that I used to eat far too much sugary foods. I now see that almost everything thats been processed has sugar in it, even sausages. I have been eating these sugars for 46yrs 8mths :slight_smile: Keto has gotten me off the sugars, I now dont care for Mars bars or Snickers etc. I can pass them by in a shop or if my wife has bought them for the house. So at least I am progressing

(Full Metal KETO AF) #8

My ex was at her doctor recently and told him she was eating keto after an elevated cholesterol screening. He admitted he didn’t know much about keto and looked it up on Harvard Medical. Of course the Harvard Medical position was that keto wasn’t a safe diet. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

It sure has done us right, am I correct?

I don’t have any links but there are literally hundreds on the forum as well as people’s personal stories.



This is the thing!!!

It’s Not Just Harvard health. It is every single thing I google. People are latching onto this one site because its the one site I linked. I was just kinda hoping some of the long timer Keto dieters would have had some factual links to scientific proof rather than anecdotal evidence.
I don’t mean for me to sound negative, I enjoy the Keto diet I am currently doing, but I would like to see more factual evidence that I am not making my body worse than it probably already is from eating Sugar and carbs my whole life. I called my doctor and the anser was we dont do CAC scans unless there is a solid reason for doing so. ie pains, angina, previous heart troubles. this means I would need to spend £300 on a scan via a private practice. This is something I couldn’t justify from our family budget.

Again, like I mentioned above. Watching that Youtube of the guy that reversed his PLaques was very interesting, this is the kinda stuff I like to read or watch. You cant argue with 28 scans lol…he’ll probably die now of radiation exposure and not a heart attack :confused:

(Running from stupidity) #10

In that case, you need to use better search terms. That’s basically not possible.


Yep. I’m surprised that the OP hadn’t come across Dr Scher in all the googling.

('Jackie P') #12

If you watch Dr Eric Westman on YouTube, he actually has a Clinic, Dukes, and uses Keto as treatment. It is often referred to as the clinic of last resort as many of his patients are referred when conventional medicine has failed them, or they are too sick for surgery.
He can produce 20 years worth of evidence and is very interesting to listen too.
Dr Ken Berry does a number of keto/carnivore YouTube videos and links the research underneath.

(Eric - The patient needs to be patient!) #13

These people review other people’s research and produce their own papers as well. They are in podasts, low carb events and on the web. No evidence that saturated fat increases mortality, little to no benefit of statins for primary CAD treatment, etc.

There are many others.

the first five+ presentations are all people that are respected doctors and or scientists

You will have to fight through a lot of bad science pushed by big pharma, the big food companies and other vested interests.

Start with Zoe the first name in this reply.


One of the best non-anecdotal studies in humans is the ongoing Virta Health intervention. They have an article about their heart disease markers here:

The actual published study is here:

They link to this article also:

(DARREN) #15


Thanks ALL. This is what I am talking about. Nice solid links for me to follow a trial and read or watch…



If you run across LDL hyper-responders, we got links for that too. :grin: