Bloating at the start -hard stomach feeling

(H) #22

That’s good news. No I’ve never had an issue with it and I hope I’m not! I can just about manage with the carbs but I don’t think I could do it without the dairy :joy:


Do you feel that puts you back to normal speed? I noticed when I tried fixing mine with it I got nothing out of it, but when I used T3 directly is was gas on the fire!

(H) #24

I feel as though it stops me having the headaches but I’ve always found it too difficult to lose weight. Whenever they tested T3 they just said it was fine but I never saw the results.
I don’t know very much about the way the thyroid thing works to be honest. I did try to go to an endocrinologist but I got transferred back to my GP and they wouldn’t keep testing it.

(H) #25

How do you just get T3? That’s different to Thyroxine I guess?


Ya, Levothyroxine is T4, which is our inactive thyroid hormone, sometimes that’s the problem and supplementing that fixes everything, but if you’re still having trouble loosing weight it’s probably not. T3 is the active form of Thyroid hormone. Normal your Thyroid converts T4 into T3 as needed and that’s pretty much what raises/throttles our metabolic rate. When you take T3 directly you’re controlling the speed.

Many doc’s (including Endo’s) really aren’t good when it comes to Thyroids. They’re afraid of them or something. I origianlly had my optimization doc take a look at my numbers and he prescribed me a T3/T4 combination which was great but it was costing me an arm and a leg, so I started getting it on my own since my normal doc wouldn’t do anything about it. When it’s only T3 is called Liothyronine. Our bodies make (or are supposed to) around 30mcg or so, so normally I take 50 which gives me a little bump. lately both to lean out and correct some stupidity on my end lately I’m taking 100mcg/day and been averaging about -4lbs a week :wink:

You don’t want to do that for too long obviously but nice too once in a while!

(H) #27

That sounds great…! But how do you get it? Are you in UK? It’s very difficult trying to speak to GPs about it because they only go off bloods.
The Endo I saw said I needed more than I was being prescribed but the GP refused so I’m on 75mg when the Endo said I needed 100.
They refused to even entertain T3 the only time I ever asked which was years ago when a nutritionist I was seeing suggested it and I’ve not even looked at it since then!


Same here in the states! They’re completely lab result driven with no want (or ability) to make their own decisions based on real life.

That’s why I also see an optimization doc, they don’t give a crap about that stuff and they just do what it takes to make you 100%… downside is you gotta pay out of pocket for them and that hurts a little, sometimes a lot. But I get stuff prescribed that no mainstream doc would ever consider prescribing :grin:

I’ll PM ya some details.