Badges like Xbox/PS4 Achievements?

(Michael Backus) #1

I’ve just got promoted to trust level 1! It almost feels like a game. There’s 15 levels to get? Challenge accepted! :video_game::joystick::shield::crossed_swords::dagger::desktop_computer::muscle:t2:


There’s only 4 levels (0-3) and yes, they designed “gamification” into Discourse to encourage and promote the most engaged and helpful members of the community. Also to discourage a new member from spamming the heck out of the forums on their first visit.

There’s some more information on trust levels here:

Badges are a part of the reward system too. Most of the are standard to DIscourse, but we’ve made up some custom ones as well.


Superb… it still excites me… thank you

(Little Miss Scare-All) #4

Wait till you get the Eat Infinite Cheese and Never Bloat skill point.

(Jay Patten) #5

Can I get a badge for accidentally eating a 1/2 pound of pecans (I was driving and not paying attention) and somehow staying in ketosis? :thinking:

(Little Miss Scare-All) #6

I have so many comments to make about this, and not a single one is appropriate. restraint

(Jay Patten) #7

Ha ha ha, the good thing is that I wasn’t hungry for the rest of the day :joy:

(Jay Patten) #8

Go ahead and let them rip. I deserve a flogging.

(Little Miss Scare-All) #9

Lmao it wouldn’t be to beat you up, just a slew of whitty, but flaggable, Badge names for you, all involving Nuts.

(Jay Patten) #10

Ha ha ha!


Badge granted!

(Little Miss Scare-All) #12

You have to go into your settings and apply it. I wanna see what it is! :grin:


It won’t mean much out of context

(Alec) #14

What an achievement!!!

(Jay Patten) #15

Ha ha ha, thanks, lol. It can be our inside joke :grin:

(Jay Patten) #16

Too funny, lol.

(varun gupta) #17

That’s really cognitive information to know about such a indomitable and concrete stuffs. I stolidly respect that effort and hope to keep the good work as same as always. Thank you for being so workaholic, it has server us the way we want. Indeed , grateful to you.