Ate too many carbs

(Candy Lind) #21

You didn’t name any fats in there, unless you’re talking ribeye! :cut_of_meat: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Again, eat more fat. IT HELPS. You will either stop eating, cast up your accounts, or have a case of disaster pants.

(Candy Lind) #22

I plugged in 50 years old, 63” tall just as an example and the BMR calculator said the BMR would be 1254. You’re only eating 1139. No wonder you’re bingeing! You’re not eating enough. Are you actually trying to lose weight or are you doing keto for other reasons? Either way, again I will say - YOU’RE NOT EATING ENOUGH.

Let’s start over here. Go in the Newbies sub forum and read the “how-to” - go to the macro calculator and tell it you want to MAINTAIN. DO NOT put in a deficit. You want to eat to satiety when you start keto, for many reasons. Get new macros and follow them. Find a tracker app & use it. 70% or more of your calories should be from fat. If you have cravings, eat more fat. NOT more protein or carbs. Let your body start using fat for energy. If you keep eating carbs, it will NEVER learn.

(vera) #24

and I easily eat over 2000 calories everyday

(Candy Lind) #25

OK, then those macros you quoted weren’t accurate. They only add up to 1139. 9 cal/g for fat, 4 cal/g for carb & protein.


What CandyLindTX is saying.

Primary objective is to keep carbs low.
Secondary objective is to make sure you get enough protein.

After that, fat and calories are as your body needs them. Early on, cravings are usually the body having temper tantrums about not getting the carbs it’s used to. Feed it fat as a fuel. Once you’re fat adapted, appetite and cravings should naturally go down.

But, as always, YMMV.

(vera) #27

I also have a few questions…

  1. I have a really bad metabolism and my hormones are out of wack, so do you have any advice to “repair” it?
  2. What’s the best way to get all my nutrients in?
  3. Is it ok to eat loads of butter at a time?
  4. Due to messing up yesterday and having to restart ketosis, will it take another week to get in?

  1. Try a 24-48 hour fast with water, Apple cider vinegar (take a tbsp mixed in water) and bone broth (if you get really hungry) first 24 hours is the toughest because you’re literally going through sugar withdrawal, but this will help you get back into ketosis. I used to have a ‘slow metabolism’ and the occasional fast worked wonders. Also look into intermittent fasting if a 24-48 hour is hard for you. Try eating 2 meals within an eight hour window, and nothing for 16 hours. This should help balance out your blood sugar levels/insulin a bit. I would also say you should limit your snacking and plan out your meals.
  2. Track your macro nutrients- get myfitnesspal or a similar app and track everything that goes from your hand/plate to your mouth in terms of Fat, Protein and Carbs. if it touches your tongue, you need track it. I know people on this forum hate tracking, but it will help you build the discipline when you first get started to see how different foods impact your blood sugar levels, your hormones and your mood.
  3. No, all fat all the time is not the point of keto. Keeping insulin low is the point of keto. High isulin=more fat storage. Low insulin= fat burning. Carbs cause a insulin to get high. Protein can also cause insulin to spike so eat only enough protein to maintain lean muscle. Fat has no/low insulin response. Eat healthy fats, leafy green vegetables (some cauliflower) and organic meats/eggs for protein. Again, it helps if you track your macro nutrients. Your carbohydrates should be coming from leafy greens/veggies- I would recommended ditching the protein bars, nuts and fruits for a while until you get fat-adapted. Some Nuts are good (macadamia and pecans), but you will need to portion them out (ziplock bags + kitchen scale) because they can get quite high in carbs if you’re not careful.
  4. Yes, it will take some time to get back into keto depending on how fat-adapted you are. I’ve binged before and fallen off the keto wagon as i’m sure many, if not every one on this forum has as well. The trick is to keep calm and keto on. Preparation is 90% of the battle- when i binge, the next morning i go for a long walk/jog to burn some of those carbs (gets stored as glycogen in your liver and muscles) or plan to fast until 2-3 p.m. before my first meal, which usually consists of some bone broth drink, and some cauliflower rice with spinach and 2 eggs cooked in coconut oil (seasoned with pink salt, turmeric and cayenne). First day back on keto can be hard- you will get sugar cravings, but it is not impossible- stay hydrated, breathe and keep calm and keto on :slight_smile:

(Edith) #29

If you are only 123 pounds I’m guessing you are close to your goal weight. It is harder to fast close to goal and it is also harder to fast before you are fat adapted. I think you really just need to eat to your carb and protein needs and fat to satiety. That will get you back on the wagon.


(vera) #30

my goal weight is 112 pounds
The heaviest I’ve been was 130 but I could never actually lose much weight
I also do intermittent fasting everyday (before keto) but that lead me to severe binge eating

(Jennifer ) #31

Hi. You might ask yourself why you feel the urge to confess your food sins to a bunch of strangers. That is a dangerous cycle. Binge, confess, seek reassurance, be comforted, feel better, binge again. Been there, girl. There’s some emotional healing there that needs to be happening along with the physical.

  1. Fasting/feasting cycling is a wonderful way to repair your metabolism. Along with exercise and proper sleep patterns.

  2. What nutrients are you concerned about missing?

  3. Yes, please eat butter. But really, you shouldn’t be eating “as much as you want” of anything. You want to be eating until you’re no longer hungry. Butter is fat…we use fat to be satiated. Put it on your veggies, your meat, etc.

  4. Depends on whether you were fat adapted when you fell off the wagon. If you fast, you will be in ketosis on day 2.

Now, I know fasting/feasting sounds like a recipe for disaster if you know you have binge eating problems. I’ve struggled with similar issues, and believe it or not, the fasting really helped. It helped me see just how much time I spent during my normal day focused on food, and it decreased the amount of instances during the day that my body tried to ask for food by telling me it was hungry. It helped me feel really clear-headed. There’s been a few posts recently about folks with eating disorders using fasting and it really helped them…a little forum search might turn up some more help in that regard. You don’t have to have an eating disorder to have some “disordered thinking” around food.

I hope this gets more simple for you soon. Cheering you on from my side of the screen.

(vera) #32

Thank you so much! This made me more relax after reading what you wrote.
I’m concerned on how much veggies I’m supposed to eat in a day because before keto, I used to be able to go through two bunches of celery and a huge box of spinach from Costco so now I’m not so sure how much I’m supposed to eat on keto.
Another thing, how many hours am I supposed to fast because last week I fasted for 40 hours but I broke being in ketosis a few days ago

(Jennifer ) #33

@gardengirlkp Could be a nice resource for you as well. I have a feeling she’s conquered some of the things you’re going to need to go to battle with. She’s spoken many times on here how her hunger signals fail her, which can easily lead to her over-eating.

Fasting is a tool. I would suggest purchasing Jason Fung’s book “The Ultimate Guide to Fasting”. There’s no “supposed to” amount of fasting you “should” be doing. It is a tool, and you should choose a weekly amount that is sustainable and helps you feel good. I’ve been doing a 2-4 day fast about once a week. DO YOUR RESEARCH before trying it. Read Fung’s blog, listen to the podcast about fasting. Don’t just jump into it without educating yourself a little bit. And definitely don’t jump into extended fasting without easing yourself into it.

Due to your binging issues, perhaps instead of trying to just go off your hunger signals, it might be best to just calculate, weigh everything, and do the math hardcore. Don’t let yourself “freestyle” or “wing it”. So the answer to your question: you can eat as many veggies as you can eat and stay under 20 net grams of carbs. But you won’t know that amount unless you do the math…grab yourself a food scale from amazon and start calculating. You have your macros (saw you posted them) - use the scale and your math superpowers to hit them.

The urge to binge WILL get somewhat better once you’re off the “glucose rollercoaster”. But you will never get there unless you dedicate yourself to snapping your habits. You got this girl. Get to the math.

(Karen Parrott) #34

@Jennafurry thanks for the tag! :smile:

@vvverawwu Abstaining helped me a lot, so does fasting ( I’m keto because I fast).

I just celebrated my 7th Food Soberversary. Abstaining from binge foods is a thing. For sure. Grains, most sugar, and nuts, dried fruit, xantham gum and guar gum- (emulsifiers) are my biggest triggers.

I developed an abstinence based approach on all binge triggers. Keto helps with binge urges and so does Fasting.

If it helps, it took me 1-2 YEARS to get most binge urges just to a low simmer. I still have them, but deal by dealing with more of a 12 step approach to eating. I found many OA groups were peddling ( and insisting!!!) oats and fruit, so I had to just pick up the OA principles and KCKO.

If you have any questions, ask. I had to admit that I needed to deal with it long term if I wanted weight maintenance. I was obese in the 1970’s as a six year old.

(Jennifer ) #35


Out of curiosity - how did you figure out that emulsifiers were a trigger for you? I would never have even thought of that as a possibility.

(vera) #36

Wow that’s an amazing story
How long have you binged and how many years have you done keto?

(vera) #37

Oh and I forgot to mention I gained about twenty pounds two months ago which is why I want to get back to my goal weight. I was 130 last year and then I was able to get down and now it’s super difficult for me to get back down because the weight is creeping up almost everyday

(Karen Parrott) #38

I know @Jennafurry!!! This was one of the last binge triggers I removed. I was being interviewed on the “Quit Binge Eating” podcast (now not in production - Alen Standish) and said that I felt a little bing-y. I realized the can label on the full fat coconut milk had changed. Sure enough, emulsifier!!! Guar and Xantham gum. I could have eaten my arm off that day.

Happily, soy lechithin does not interfere as I can have that in a little bit of 85% chocolate (I did 3 chocolate 3 month abstaining times to determine that 85% chocolate is not a trigger) is okay .

Eating Whole 30 a couple of times- choosing LCHF foods on the Whole 30 helped me ID all nuts and all dried fruit and got me off bar foods.

I don’t play around with fat bombs either. All the nopes.


Instead of throwing all of them away, you can delay the keto plan. As in, FINISH ALL OF THEM UP WITHIN ONE DAY, buy all the keto-compliant food, and then start the keto.

That way, you didn’t waste any money(since you didn’t throw them away)

Note: This advice is only applicable to those who still can afford to eat lots of carb.

(Karen Parrott) #40


I binge ate from the age of 6 to the age of 46.

I ate out of the trash can, I ate food from family members, I hid food, I hid wrappers, I thought food addict thoughts constantly. Where could I get my next food high? Can I set up this trip or event so I can get food high? Ugh. I fooled nobody.

I have a lot of FTO (associated with addiction) and Obesity and T2D genes. Obesity and binge eating genes got expressed at age 6, T2D almost at age 46. Happily I have the geneotype, but no longer the phenotype (outside expression).

Obesity, binge eating, and T2D are all in remission. I have those disease states, but I cannot use satiety as a marker in my LCHF Keto food plan.

Still to this day, I use 12 step OA like methods, My Fitness Pal food tracker, a fit bit and I’ll phone a friend if I lapse. Satiety I only get 10% of the time so I use my effective tools wisely. Abstaining is my top tool.

Best wishes and please know you are know alone. I figured it wasn’t my fault, but my responsibility to live a food sober life for my kid, for me, for my higher power, for my community. It’s a lot less painful to deal with 1-2 years of binge urges than the pain of hiding, lying, obesity was very painful physically, too.

(KCKO, KCFO) #41

Stop the negative self talk and just eat keto. Life goes on, beating yourself up is not going to help anything, EVER.

Have some bacon and eggs, heck eat nothing but those for a day or two, you need to get into a fat burning state, those help a lot to do that…

Dried fruits and ice cream aren’t keto so don’t keep them in your house.

And follow all the suggestions above. It all comes down to eat low carb, moderate protein, and fat to satiety.

The dudes have done a podcast about satiety and what the got wrong. Episodes 104 and 105