As a Grandfather my daughter is worrying me


A lot of these vegan bodybuilders did the majority of their bulking on omnivorous diets before switching to veganism. That they may be able to maintain that level of muscle eating vegan is something I suppose but if it’s thanks to steroids then it’s hardly healthy.

I think veganism does suit some people but it requires a level of effort & understanding that many simply don’t put in. Those that do make the effort & are genetically suited can thrive. Having said that, I certainly don’t think it’s a healthy diet for growing children.

(Dirty Lazy Keto'er, Sucralose freak ;)) #23

But those guys are just not that buff. Ripped, yes. But not super muscled.

(hottie turned hag) #24

Yeah, this does describe son in law. He’s NOT massive but never wanted to be. I’m not up on weightlifting terms so prob using wrong descriptors.

He looks like…an early 2000s Abercrombie ad? Or early Calvin Klein? Lean, no fat, very defined muscle but not bulky-ish? He’s Hungarian (as in from Hungary, came to USA at 18), 6’ tall and weighs maybe…180? When relaxed hanging by his sides his arms look muscular with definition. #hawt

So yeah, not big. He’s pretty vain though and worried he’d lose definition or mass on veg, but he looks exactly the same (after 8-ish years).

Being an NP (and my daughter was a paramedic before marrying) he’s got a trad med mindset; he’s totally down with the diet for himself and kids. He does insist daughter give kids some cheese and eggs which they do get but not more than 3X/week I’d say.

(hottie turned hag) #25

Agree with the first part big time! I too have known wraithlike vegeTARIAN kids who look stunted and in poor condition, these were of uneducated hippie Mothers.

My daughter is too perfectionistic to not do vegan “properly”. She feeds those kids a WIDE array, and is aware of the nutritional value of all they get. Almost nothing is processed and they get ZERO sugar/junk (aside from sugar in the tons of fruit they eat).
Trust me these kids look like shining examples of blooming health and act so too. And I’m so not a biased “grandma” type, I assess them as a scientist.

In fairness I shall state that your comment re: genetics in play is so valid!
My degree is IN medical genetics.

In my line the females are usually muscular even though sedentary; we don’t get stretch marks even being multips, nor facial wrinkles as we age (indicating strong connective tissue) have big strong calves and taut abdomens. My Mother, myself and two of my three daughters (and my son, also vegetarian though his wife and son are not) all have remarkable -esp for folk who don’t work out- muscle tone. I now being an old hag do have flab galore atop the muscle, ew.

The fourth kid -female- has lousy tone and has since an infant. Looks soft and mushy.

(Dirty Lazy Keto'er, Sucralose freak ;)) #26

Hey Blue Violet, these are the guys I was talking about… ALL the guys that look like this, eat a TON of meat, and do a ton of steroids. About 99% of women think this is hideous, and probably 90% of guys say they wouldn’t want to look like this either. I always wished I could… Or should I say, that I had the right genetics, food, life circumstances, drug dealer, etc :slight_smile: lol
Zack King Kahn

My favorite, Rich Piana RIP (who freely talked about his steroid use, and told peoople it was a bad idea)

Ronnie Coleman… Always wondered how a police officer could get by with using steroids ? Still alive, but beat his body to pieces.

Long story short, NEVER will you see guys like this, that are vegetarian.

(hottie turned hag) #27

Yes I agree. To build muscle mass of that degree one needs animal protein I would guess, and lots of it.

Health wise though, daughter and fam are kickass, for real. That was my real point, and to emphasize the truism everything is case by case.

I’ve posted before of my good buddy, guy aged 56, 5’10" or 11", prob…140-ish? Skinny as a rail, wiry, looks icky, build wise BUT…

- is an extreme hiker (flies all over the world -New Zealand, most recently- to do extreme hikes)
- builds his own houses (5) and does big renos (too many to count)
- rebuilds classic cars (hobby, he is a programmer by trade)
- excellent health (is a hypochondriac so sees doc regularly)
- is hyperactive (diagnosed ADHD, severe)
- is scary strong. I’ve seen him lift heavy ass car parts, tree trunks, building materials, he has moved me twice (as a favor) and carried multiple boxes of hardcover heavy textbooks with ease etc etc

whose diet consists and has his entire adult life, of processed high sugar foods, pop, chocolate, ice cream, candy, a burger once in awhile, maybe a few chicken nuggets. I have witnessed him eat an entire 1 POUND bag of M&Ms mindlessly while programming in a zone.

He IS a freak of nature, a mutant! His doc tells him “somehow it’s working for you”.

Unlike my daughter’s case I think there are very few of these types, though he surely cannot be the only one!